Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
Drug-acceptor interactions : modeling theoretical tools to test and evaluate experimental equilibrium effects / 2017
Modeling biochemical processes in aquatic ecosystems / 1976
Modeling Receptor-Mediated Processes with Dioxin: Implications for Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment. 1993
Modeling the Accumulation of Three Waterborne Chlorinated Ethanes in Fathead Minnows ('Pimephales promelas'): A Physiologically Based Approach. 1994
Models, Muddles, and Mud: Predicting Bioaccumulation of Sediment-Associated Pollutants. 1992
Molecular structure description : the electrotopological state / 1999
Predicting Branchial and Cutaneous Uptake of 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl in Fathead Minnows ('Pimephales promelas') and Japanese Medaka ('Oryzias latipes'): Rate Limiting Factors. 1993
Shargel and Yu's applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics / 2022
Transfer of Arsenite from Glutathione to Dithiols: A Model of Interaction. 1993
User's manual for the chemical transport and fate model TOXIWASP, version 1 / 1983
User's manuals for two -(2DFATMIC) and three-(3DFATMIC) dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals models / 1997

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