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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical kinetics)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A computational study of mixing in jet stirred reactors / 2014
An introduction to chemical equilibrium and kinetics / 1981
Aquatic chemical kinetics : reaction rates of processes in natural waters / 1990
Atmospheric fates of organic chemicals : prediction of ozone and hydroxyl radical reaction rates and mechanisms / 1985
Atmospheric fates of organic chemicals : prediction of ozone and hydroxyl radical reaction rates and mechanisms / 1985
Biodegradation kinetics. 1991
Chemical equilibria and kinetics in soils / 1994
Chemical kinetic and photochemical data for modelling atmospheric chemistry / 1975
Chemical kinetics / 1965
Chemical kinetics and process dynamics in aquatic systems / 1994
Colloid formation and growth : a chemical kinetics approach / 1976
Comparative SO2 reactivity of CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 / 1989
CRC handbook of bimolecular and termolecular gas reactions / 1981
Decomposition and isomerisation of organic compounds. 1972
Development and testing of a surrogate species chemical reaction mechanism / 1986
Effect of porous structure on carbon activation / 1971
Enzyme kinetics for systems biology / 2011
Estimating kinetics of combustion, including reactions involving oxides of nitrogen and sulfur / 1975
Evaluation of oxidation processes for treating aqueous chemical mixtures 1994
Experimental protocol for determining ozone reaction rate constants / 1981
Fast reactions / 1969
Guideline for using the carbon-bond mechanism in city-specific EKMA / 1984
Handbook of biochemical kinetics 1999
Handbook of chemical mass transport in the environment [electronic resource] / 2011
Handbook of chemical mass transport in the environment. 2011
International journal of chemical kinetics. 1969
Investigation of important hydroxyl radical reactions in the perturbed troposphere / 1977
Investigation of rates and mechanisms of reactions. 1961
Isotopes in organic chemistry. recent developments in theory and experiment / Volume 6, Isotopic effects : 1984
Issue paper on the human health effects of metals 2004
Kinetic Studies of the Reduction of Aromatic Azo Compounds in Anaerobic Sediment/Water Systems. 1987
Kinetics and mechanism : a study of homogeneous chemical reactions / 1961
Kinetics and mechanism of precipitation and nature of the precipitate obtained in phosphate removal from wastewater using aluminum (III) and iron (III) salts / 1970
Kinetics and mechanisms of the gas-phase reactions of the hydroxyl radical with organic compounds 1989
Kinetics of soil chemical processes / 1989
Kinetics of the reduction of nitrite ion by sulfur-dioxide in aqueous solution / 1981
Laboratory experiments to measure the rate of hydrolysis of pentachlorophenol 1993
Measurement of rate constants of importance in smog / 1977
Rates of soil chemical processes / 1991
Reaction kinetics / 1995
Reaction rate and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry, 1977 / 1978
Reactions of metallic salts and complexes, and organometallic compounds. 1972
Recent Advances in the Development and Use of Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic Models for Fish. 1998
Sources and fates of aquatic pollutants / 1987
Sulfide to sulfate reaction mechanism; a study of the sulfide to sulfate reaction mechanism as it relates to the formation of acid mine waters 1970
Superconductor engineering 1992
Supplementary bibliography of kinetic data on gas phase reactions of nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen oxides. 1973
Tables of bimolecular gas reactions 1967
The chemical kinetics and the composition of the earth's atmosphere / 1968
The effects of chemistry and meteorology on ozone control calculations using simple trajectory models and the EKMA procedure / 1981
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