Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 72
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical industries)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide for chemical importers/exporters : toxic substances control act. 1984
Alternatives for hazardous waste management in the organic chemical, pesticides and explosives industries 1977
Analysis of industry comments on EPA's implementation of section 4 of TSCA 1982
Analysis of optional methods of focusing issues on chemical testing 1982
Bottled water supply : a pilot survey of water bottlers and bottled water. 1972
Brain tumors in the chemical industry / 1982
Candidate coding scheme inventory : common codes project : working paper. 1979
Case histories of accidents in the chemical industry. 1962
Chem sources U.S.A. 1973
Chemical engineering cost estimation 1955
Chemical industries : a guide to information sources 1979
Chemical Industries Division newsletter. 1980
Chemical origins and markets; product flow charts, tables of major organics and inorganics. 1967
Chemical process economics 1975
Chemical regulation reporter. 1977
Chemical safety data guide 1985
Chemical statistics handbook. 1940
Chemicals in Commerce Information System (CICIS)) on-line inventory system : Version 1.2 : uers's guide for RTP system / 1980
Chemicals, human health, and the environment : a collection of Dow scientific papers : volume 1. 1975
Chemistry in the economy; an American Chemical Society study. 1973
Chemodynamic studies on bench mark industrial chemicals / 1977
Common Codes project, Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group : task 2 analysis. 1980
Corporate diagrams & administrative personnel of the chemical industry. 1958
Cost of hydrocarbon emissions control to the U.S. chemical industry (sic 28) 1977
CSMA handbook on toxic substances a guide for formulators. 1977
Current practices in handling hazardous chemicals in the chemical industry : a report for the MIC Task Force. 1985
Dioxin-containing wastes : treatment technologies / 1988
Disposal of solid toxic wastes; report. 1970
Dry cleaning, some chlorinated solvents and other industrial chemicals. 1995
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : the primary 1, 3 butadiene subcategory of the organic chemical industry / 1976
Environmental control in the organic and petrochemical industries, 1971 1971
EPA's ecological risk assessment research program, October 1985 - March 1988. 1988
EPA's final PCB ban rule : over 100 questions & answers to help you meet these requirements / 1980
Evaluating chemical regulations : trade-off analysis and impact assessment for environmental decision-making / 1980
Evaluating the economic impact of chemical regulation : methological issues 1985
Final economic analysis report for hazardous waste management regulations : inorganic chemicals industry 1981
Final environmental impact statement (EIS) for New York Bight Acid Waste Disposal Site designation / 1980
Fish toxicity evaluation of effluents from an organic chemical production complex, BASF, Germany / 1979
Guide to the chemical industry : technology, R & D, marketing, and employment / 1983
Guidebook, Toxic Substances Control Act / 1977
Guidelines for the selection of chemical protective clothing / 1983
Industrial & hazardous waste management firms 1988
Industrial pollution control division reports and project abstracts / 1977
Irresponsible care : the failure of the chemistry industry to protect the public from chemical accidents / 2004
New Jersey, environment & cancer 1982
Noise control solutions for the chemical & petroleum industry 1980
Planning emergency response systems for chemical accidents : administrative guidelines. 1981
Poison that fell from the sky 1977
Pollution control information on chemical industry safety equipment expenditures : fact sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation, and Tourism, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1985
Present workshop on pollution prevention in the refining and chemical processing industries . 1992
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