Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical equilibrium)

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Select Item Title Year Published
3DHYDROGEOCHEM : a 3-dimensional model of density-dependent subsurface flow and thermal multispecies-multicomponent HYDROGEOCHEMical transport / 1999
A new correlation of NH3, CO2, and H2S volatility data from aqueous sour water systems / 1980
A user's guide for REDEQL. EPA : a computer program for chemical equilibria in aqueous systems / 1978
Ammonia Absorption/Ammonium Bisulfate Regeneration Pilot Plant for Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1977
An introduction to chemical equilibrium and kinetics / 1981
Applicability of Reduction to Sulfur Techniques to the Development of New Processes for Removing SO2 from Flue Gases. Volume I. 1969
Aqueous ammonia equilibrium : tabulation of percent un-ionized ammonia / 1979
Atlas of metal-ligand equilibria in aqueous solution 1978
Barium and Radium Removal from Groundwater by Ion Exchange. 1984
Cadmium Bioaccumulation Assays. Their Relationship to Various Ionic Equilibria in Lake Superior Water. 1979
Cadmium Speciation in Aquatic-Life Flow-through Bioassay Diluters. 1987
Calculating the pH of Calcium Carbonate Saturation. 1985
Calculation and use of ion activity / 1961
Carbon dioxide equilibria and their applications 1982
Carbon dioxide equilibria and their applications 1991
Catalytic desulfurization and denitrogenation / 1975
Chemical Characteristics of Organic Color in Water. 1970
Chemical equilibria in soils 1979
Chemical equilibrium 1966
Chemical equilibrium : a practical introduction for the physical and life sciences / 1975
Chemical equilibrium and reaction models / 1995
Chemical reaction equilibrium analysis theory and algorithms / 1982
Chemical Transformation Modules for Eulerian Acid Deposition Models. Volume 2. The Aqueous-Phase Chemistry. 1985
Chemistry of Organomercurials in Aquatic Systems. 1973
Comparison of methods for determination of dissolved inorganic carbon / 1991
Complexes Affecting the Solubility of Calcium Carbonate in Water. 1973
Conservation of Water and Reduction of Pollution by Use of Solvent Systems for Coloring Textile Materials: An Economic Outlook. 1974
Continuous Multiligand Distribution Model Used to Predict the Stability Constant of Cu(II) Metal Complexation with Humic Material from Fluorescence Quenching Data. 1991
Critical stability constants, 1974
Critical survey of stability constants and related thermodynamic data of fluoride complexes in aqueous solution 1980
Critical survey of stability constants of EDTA complexes : critical evaluation of equilibrium constants in solution; part A: stability constants of metal complexes 1977
Data acquisition for environmental transport and fate screening / 1984
Data acquisition for environmental transport and fate screening for compounds of interest to the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response / 1984
Data acquisition for environmental transport and fate screening for compounds of interest to the Office of Solid Waste / 1984
Determination and prediction of chemical forms of trace metals in sewage sludge and sludge-amended soils, 1985
Determination and use of stability constants 1988
Determination of stability constants, and other equilibrium constants in solution 1961
Development and application of ion exchange silver recovery system. 1974
Development of a Molten Carbonate Process for Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from Power Plant Stack Gases. Part II. Process Chemistry - Regeneration. 1968
Development of the mesopuff II dispersion model / 1984
Dissolution potential of surficial Mancos shale and alluvium / 1977
Distribution and Characterization of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) in Lake Michigan Water. 1987
Distribution of Hydrophobic Ionogenic Organic Compounds between Octanol and Water: Organic Acids. 1990
Early diagenesis and chemical mass transfer in Lake Erie sediments / 1981
Effect of aging on aluminum hydroxide complexes in dilute aqueous solutions / 1972
Effect of hydrogen sulfide on fish and invertebrates. Part II, Hydrogen sulfide determination and relationship between pH and sulfide toxicity / 1976
Effects of Equilibration Time on Photoreactivity of the Pollutant DDE Sorbed on Natural Sediments. 1981
Electrode Measurement of Redox Potential in Anaerobic Ferric/Ferrous Chloride Systems. 1989
Environmental compartments : equilibria and assessment of processes between air, water, sediments, and biota / 1996
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing : part III, the water quality of Piceance Creek, Colorado, prior to oil shale processing / 1979
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