Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical agents)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts / 1999
Analysis of Chemical Warfare Degradation Products / 2011
Analytical methods for environmental sampling of chemical warfare agents and their degradation products : proceedings of a conference, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, September 20-21, 1994 / 1995
BioDex system. 2002
Carbon filtration for reducing emissions from chemical agent incineration / 1999
Chemical and biological sensing IV : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / 2003
Chemical and instrumental verification of organophosphorus warfare agents / 1977
Chemical stockpile disposal concept plan. 1986
Chemical surface washing agents for oil spills : project summary / 1993
Chemical warfare agents : chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutics / 2008
Chemical warfare agents : toxicity at low levels / 2001
Chemical warfare agents : toxicology and treatment / 1996
Chemical warfare agents : toxicology and treatment / 2007
Chemical Warfare Agents with Particular Reference to Water Contamination. 1953
Chemical weapons stockpile destruction cost growth and schedule slippages are likely to continue : report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / 1991
Communities and chemical warfare materiel disposal / 2007
Crotonaldehyde 1978
Detection technologies for chemical warfare agents and toxic vapors / 2005
Determination of subpicogram amounts of chemical agents in the atmosphere. 1974
Disposal of Chemical Agent Identification Sets at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado: Addendum to Final Enviromental Impact Statement. 1977
Dossier on acetophenone, alpha-chloro- : / 1978
Emergency action for chemical and biological warfare agents / 2000
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Testing of Enzymatic Test Kits for Warfare Agents and Pesticides in Drinking Water: Abraxis LLC; Aqua Survey, Inc.; Protein Biosensor; and Severn Trent Services. 2006
Evaluation of the environmental fate of munition compounds in soil 1979
Evaluation of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board's Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (Fiscal Year 2009). 2010
Freeze-Dried Vaccinia Virus Persistence Testing and Liquid Decontamination Technology Evaluation: Investigation and Technology Evaluation Report. 2009
Handbook of chemical and biological warfare agents 1999
Handbook of chemical and biological warfare agents / 2008
Handbook of toxicology of chemical warfare agents / 2009
Handbook of toxicology of chemical warfare agents [electronic resource] / 2009
Hazardous waste disposal damage reports / 1975
Hazardous Waste Disposal Program Seventh Monthly Report. 1972
Hazardous Waste Disposal Program Tenth Monthly Report. 1972
Hazardous Waste Disposal Program, Sixth Monthly Report. 1972
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus Persistence Testing and Evaluation of Liquid Decontamination Technologies: Investigation and Technology Evaluation Report. 2009
Impact of revised airborne exposure limits on non-stockpile chemical materiel program activities / 2005
Influence of Phosgene Inhalation on Extrapulmonary Effects in Mice (Journal Version). 1988
Interplay Between Environmental Chemical Exposures and Obesity: Proceedings of a Workshop. Held in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina on March 2-3, 2015. 2016
Introduction to incident command system / 2002
Introduction to incident command system / 2002
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 1998
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 2005
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 2002
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 2000
Jane's manual quimico-biologico / 2001
Life cycle assessment for chemical agent resistant coating 1996
Lymphohematopoietic Cancers Induced by Chemicals and Other Agents: Overview and Implications for Risk Assessment. 2011
Microwave plasma detoxification process for hazardous wastes / 1978
Military chemical and biological agents : chemical and toxicological properties / 1987
Monitoring at chemical agent disposal facilities / 2005
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