Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1971 Compendium of State Regulatory/Policy Making Bodies Charged with Water Pollution Control Responsibilities. 1971
1986 flood control and navigation maps of the Mississippi River : Cairo, Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico / 1986
1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment : the Nimbus-7 TOMS data atlas / 1988
1987 toxics release inventory : a national summary. 1989
1988 flood control and navigation maps of the Mississippi River : Cairo, Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico : including navigation charts middle Mississippi River below Hannibal, Missouri and the gulf outlet, New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico / 1988
1988 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program : final report / 1988
1990 flood control and navigation maps of the Mississippi river : Cairo, Illinois to Gulf of Mexico / 1990
1990 Urban air toxics monitoring program : carbonyl results / 1991
1992 flood control and navigation maps of the Mississippi river : Cairo, Illinois to Gulf of Mexico / 1989
2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF and PCBs in Marine Sediments and Biota: Laboratory and Field Studies. 1990
2001 Urban air toxics monitoring program (UATMP) / 2002
2002 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program (UATMP). 2003
A decision-making framework for cleanup of sites impacted with light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL). 2005
A guide to the selection of cost-effective wastewater treatment systems / 1975
A guide to the selection of cost-effective wastewater treatment systems / 1975
A Landscape assessment of the Catskill/Delaware watersheds 1975-1998 : New York City's water supply watersheds / 2002
A possible decision structure for environmental management / 1975
A screening analysis of ambient monitoring data sets in support of the Urban Area Source Program : final report / 1994
A study of estuarine pollution problems on a small unpolluted estuary and a small polluted estuary in Florida. 1966
A study using a three dimensional photochemical smog formation model under conditions of complex flow : application of the Urban Airshed Model to the Tokyo Metropolitan Area / 1991
A surrogate species chemical reaction mechanism for urban-scale air quality simulation models / 1987
Absolute Radiant Intensity of the Center of the Solar Disc in the Spectral Range 6389 < or = Lambda < or = 12480 A. 1974
Accumulation of Polychlorinated Organic Contaminants from Sediment by Three Benthic Marine Species. 1993
Accuracy and reliability of CEMS Subpart Da (electric utilities) facilities 1990
Acid Aerosol Measurement Intercomparison Workshop : April 10-11, 1991, Research Triangle Park, N.C. : final report / 1992
Acidic Gases and Aerosols in the Eastern and Western United States. 1992
Acidification of Rain by the Oxidation of Dissolved SO2 and the Absorption of HNO3. 1984
Acoustic location of leaks in pressurized underground petroleum pipelines / 1992
Activated carbon adsorption of dibromochloropropane / modeling of adsorber performance under conditions of water treatment / 1988
Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia to Marine Fish and a Mysid. 1990
Acute and Delayed Effects of Diisopropyl Fluorophosphate on Body Temperature, Heart Rate and Motor Activity in the Awake, Unrestrained Rat. 1993
Acute Effects and Long-Term Sequelae of 1,3-Dinitrobenzene on Male Reproduction in the Rat. 1. Sperm Quality, Quantity, and Fertilizing Ability. 1988
Acute Effects of Ethanol on Pattern Reversal and Flash-Evoked Potentials in Rats and the Relationship to Body Temperature. 1993
Acute Exposure of the Neonatal Rat to Tributyltin Results in Decreases in Biochemical Indicators of Synaptogenesis and Myelinogenesis. 1988
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, Report of Sensitivity Testing, Calibration, and Model Output Comparisons (Version 3.0). 1989
Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment of C.I. Disperse Blue 79. Volume 1. 1989
Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment of C.I. Disperse Blue 79. Volume 2. Appendices. 1989
Aerodynamic Characteristics at Mach Numbers from 1.60 to 2.16 of a Blunt-Nose Missile Model Having a Triangular Cross Section and Fixed Triform Fins. 1971
Aerosol source characterization study in Miami, Florida : trace element analysis / 1979
Aerosol source characterization study in St. Louis : trace element analysis / 1980
Age Dependent Model of PCB in a Lake Michigan Food Chain. 1984
Agricultural runoff management (ARM) model version II : refinement and testing / 1977
AHERA clearance at twenty abatement sites / 1991
Air Emissions from the Incineration of Hazardous Waste. 1990
Air Quality Data Analysis System for Interrelating Effects, Standards, and Needed Source Reductions: Part 10. Potential Ambient O3 Standards to Limit Soybean Crop Reduction. 1988
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : estimation of air impacts for soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems / 1992
Airborne lidar measurements of aerosols, mixed layer heights, and ozone during the 1980 PEPE/NEROS summer field experiment / 1985
Altamaha River Basin Dissolved Oxygen TMDLs. 2002
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from stationary gas turbines / 1993
Alternative disinfectants and granular activated carbon effects on trace organic contaminants / 1987
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