Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Channel catfish)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accumulation and elimination of dieldrin by channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) / 1974
Acute toxicity of residual chlorine and ammonia to some native Illinois fishes 1977
Acute toxicity of toxaphene to fathead minnows, channel catfish, and bluegills / 1980
Anatomy and histology of the channel catfish / 1976
Bioaccumulation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF in channel catfish and largemouth bass exposed to biologically treated bleached kraft mill efluent {sic} in experimental streams after high chlorine dioxide substitution. 1995
Colorado Fisheries Research Review 1978-1980 1981
Effects of petroleum compounds on estuarine fishes / 1980
Habitat suitability index models. Channel catfish / 1982
Induction of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus' by 'Edwardsiella ictaluri'. 1994
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : chlorine and ozone toxicity evaluation / 1979
Nutrient requirements of warmwater fishes and shellfishes 1983
Paunch manure as a feed supplement in channel catfish farming / 1974
Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetic Modeling of Three Waterborne Chloroethanes in Channel Catfish, 'Ictalurus punctatus'. 1993
Principles of warmwater aquaculture / 1979
Respiratory-Cardiovascular Physiology and Chloroethane Gill Flux in the Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus'. 1994
Survival and growth rate of channel catfish as a function of dissolved-oxygen concentration 1975
The effects of ammonia on the growth of channel catfish : Ictalurus punctatus / 1978
The effects of ammonia on the growth of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus / 1978
The effects of antimony trioxide on channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus / 1979
The effects of sublethal concentrations of DDT on schooling behavior. 1973
Toxaphene : chronic toxicity to fathead minnows and channel catfish / 1977
Toxic effects of nitrite on channel catfish / 1983
Toxicity of Ambush [superscript R encircled] and Pydrin [superscript R encircled] to red crawfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard) and channel catfish, Ictaluras punctatus Rafinesque in laboratory and field studies and the accumulation and dissipation of associated residues / 1982
Uptake, distribution, metabolism and clearance of kepone by channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) / 1980
Utilization of waste heat from power plants for aquaculture : Gallatin Catfish Project, 1974 annual report / 1974

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