Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cement)

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Select Item Title Year Published
40 CFR Parts 259, 261, 266, and 270 : standards for the management of cement kiln dust, proposed rule. 1999
A rapid-set cement suitable as a molding sand binder for small ferrous castings / 1980
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources, Portland cement industry. 1979
Advances in Encapsulation Technologies for the Management of Mercury-Contaminated Hazardous Wastes. 2002
Air Pollutant Emission Factors. 1970
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: cement manufacturing - a bibliography with abstracts. 1971
Air pollution engineering manual. 1973
Air quality modeling technical support document : National emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants from the Portland cement manufacturing industry. 2010
Airborne asbestos health assessment update. 1986
All fired up : burning hazardous waste in cement kilns. 1992
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from cement manufacturing / Emission Standards Division. 1994
Alternative Control Techniques Document Update - NO(sub x) Emissions from New Cement Kilns. 2007
Alternative control techniques document update : NOx emissions from new cement kilns / 2007
Analysis of fiber release from certain asbestos products / 1982
Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 4, Construction. 2006
Applicability of transmissometers to opacity measurement of emissions : oil-fired power and portland cement plants / 1979
Asbestos health assessment update / 1984
Asbestos-Cement Products in Contact with Drinking Water: SEM Observations. 1980
Asphalt hot-mix emission study / 1975
Assessment of waste fuel use in cement kilns / 1982
Assessment of waste fuel use in cement kilns / 1982
Atmospheric emissions from the manufacture of Portland cement / 1967
Atmospheric emissions from the manufacture of portland cement / 1967
AWWA standard for asbestos-cement distribution pipe, 4 in. through 16 in. (100 mm through 400 mm), for water distribution systems. 1993
AWWA standard for asbestos-cement transmission pipe, 18 in. through 42 in. (450 mm through 1050 mm), for potable water and other liquids. 1989
AWWA standard for cement mortar lining of water pipelines in place: 4 in. (100 mm) and larger 2006
AWWA standard for cement-mortar lining of water pipelines in place : 4 in. (100 mm) and larger. 1996
AWWA standard for cement-mortar lining of water pipelines--4 in. (100mm) and larger-- in place. 1990
AWWA standard for cement-mortar protective lining and coating for steel water pipe : 4 in. and larger-- shop applied. 1989
AWWA standard for installation of asbestos-cement pressure pipe. 1996
AWWA standard for installation of asbestos-cement pressure pipe. 1991
AWWA standard for the selection of asbestos-- cement pressure pipe, 4 in. through 16 in. (100 mm through 400 mm), for water distribution systems. 1993
AWWA standard for the selection of asbestos-cement transmission and feeder main pipe, sizes 18 in. through 42 in. (450 mm through 1050 mm). 1989
AWWA standard for the selection of asbestos-cement transmission pipe, sizes 18 in. through 42 in. (450 mm through 1050 mm), for water supply service. 1995
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 1, capacity analysis methodology and results. Appendix A, organic waste phone logs. Appendix B, hazardous debris issues and concerns. 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 2, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 1). 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 3, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 2). 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 4, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 3). 1992
Background Information for Proposed New-Source Performance Standards: Steam Generators, Incinerators, Portland Cement Plants, Nitric Acid Plants, Sulfuric Acid Plants. 1971
Behavior of Asbestos-Cement Pipe Under Various Water Quality Conditions: A Progress Report. 1980
Burning tires for fuel and tire pyrolysis : air implications / 1991
Burning tires for fuel and tire pyrolysis : air implications / 1991
Cement evaluation guidelines / 1990
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume I. executive Summary. 1971
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume II. 1971
Cement Kiln Dust Groundwater Migration Pathway Report. 1998
Cement plant glossary / 1980
Chemical Composition and Effectiveness of Oil Shale Ash and Cement Kiln Flue Dust as Liming Fertilizers (Khimicheskii Sostav i Effektivnost Slantsevoi Zoly i Klinkernoi Pyli kak Izvestkovykh Udobrenii). 1970
Chemistry of cement and concrete 1971
Chrysotile Asbestos Fibers in Drinking Water from Asbestos-Cement Pipe. 1982
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