Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cells Cultured)

Select Item Title Year Published
Animal cell culture : a practical approach / 1986
Cell culture / 1979
Cell culture for biochemists 1990
Cell culture labfax 1992
Cell growth and division a practical approach / 1989
Culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique / 1987
Culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique / 1994
Culture techniques : applicability for studies on prenatal differentiation and toxicity : Fifth Symposium on Prenatal Development, May 1981, Berlin / 1981
Differentiation and carcinogenesis in liver cell cultures / 1980
Freshney's culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique and specialized applications / 2021
Hormones and cell culture / 1979
In vitro toxicology / 2018
Inhibition of Human Natural Killer Cell Activity Following In vitro Exposure to Ozone. 1990
Isolation and Culture of Leydig Cells from Adult Rats. 1992
Maintenance of microorganisms and cultured cells : a manual of laboratory methods / 1991
Mechanisms of differentiation 1990
Medicinal and aromatic plants 1988
Microcarrier cell culture : principles & methods. 1981
Plant tissue culture : methods and applications in agriculture / 1981
Procedures for control of mycoplasma contamination of tissue cultures 1969
Understanding cell toxicology principles and practice / 1990

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