Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Caves)

Select Item Title Year Published
A lexicon of cave and karst terminology with special reference to environmental karst hydrology / 2002
A lexicon of cave and karst terminology with special reference to environmental karst hydrology / 1999
Caves of Montana / 1978
Caves of southeastern Pennsylvania / 1974
Conduit origin and paleohydrology of Haynes Cave : Monroe County, West Virginia / 2012
Encyclopedia of caves and karst science / 2004
Final environmental impact statement for Mammoth Cave area, Kentucky, wastewater facilities. 1981
Final report on environmental aspects of the new-source NPDES permit program for the West Virginia surface coal mining industry, 1977-1980. 1977
Geology and biology of Pennsylvania caves / 1976
Hydrology and water quality in the central Kentucky karst phase 1 / 1977
Life of the cave 1966
Mammoth Cave Area, Kentucky. 1981
Mammoth Cave Area, Kentucky. Volume I. Environmental Inventory Technical Reference Document. 1981
Mammoth Cave Area, Kentucky. Volume II. Alternatives Development Technical Reference Document. 1981
Mammoth Cave Area, Kentucky. Volume III. Alternatives Evaluation Technical Reference Document. 1981
Natural Radioactivity Contamination Problems. 1978
No place on Earth / 2013
Selected karst features of the central valley and ridge province, Virginia 1988
Significance of caves in watershed management and protection in Florida : workshop proceedings, April 16th and 17th, 2003, Ocala, FL. 2003
The karst of Ireland : limestone landscapes, caves and groundwater drainage systems / 2000
Vulnerability of Karst Aquifers to Chemical Contamination. 1988

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