Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 53
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cataloging)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A beginner's guide to copy cataloging on OCLC/PRISM / 1995
A manual of European languages for librarians / 1975
AACR2 : decisions & rule interpretations. 1994
ABC's of cataloging 1993
Anglo-American cataloging rules, 1967
Anglo-American cataloguing rules / 1998
Anglo-American cataloguing rules / 2002
Anglo-American cataloguing rules / 2005
Anglo-American cataloguing rules / 1988
Anglo-American cataloguing rules, second edition, 1998 revision Amendments 2001 / 2001
Cataloging and classification for library technicians 1995
Cataloging and indexing for sci-tech libraries 1982
Cataloging concepts : descriptive cataloging : instructor's manual / 2002
Cataloging concepts : descriptive cataloging : trainee's manual / 2002
Cataloging concepts descriptive cataloging / 1993
Cataloging of audiovisual materials and other special materials : a manual based on AACR 2 / 1998
Cataloging technical procedures manual for the EPA Library Network. 1995
ClassWeb plus / 2002
Corporate author authority list 1987, a dictionary of more than 40, 000 verified main entries for documents cataloged by the National Technical Information Service / 1987
Corporate author authority list--1983 1983
Descriptive cataloging of rare materials (books) / 2011
Development of a national digital geospatial data framework a status report from the Framework Working Group / 1994
DSIS standard for the cataloging of scientific and technical reports 1972
E-serials : publishers, libraries, users, and standards / 2003
EPA Datalib cataloging manual / 1978
EPA Library Network manual / 1995
Guidelines for bibliographic description of interactive multimedia / 1994
Guidelines for descriptive cataloging of reports : a revision of COSATI Standard for descriptive cataloging of government scientific and technical reports. 1978
Guidelines for descriptive cataloging of reports a revision of COSATI standard for descriptive cataloging of government scientific and technical reports. 1985
How do I ...? : a cataloging how to manual for the EPA Library Network / 1996
INIS: Authority list for corporate entries and report number prefixes. 1979
Internet searching and indexing : the subject approach / 2000
Introducing RDA : a guide to the basics / 2010
Introduction to cataloging and classification 1985
Introduction to cataloging and classification 1992
Introduction to cataloging and classification / 1976
Manheimer's cataloging and classification 2000
Map cataloging manual / 1991
Maxwell's handbook for AACR2R : explaining and illustrating the Anglo-American cataloguing rules and the 1993 amendments / 1997
Maxwell's handbook for RDA, resource description & access : explaining and illustrating RDA: resource description and access using MARC21 / 2013
Metadata fundamentals for all librarians / 2003
Methodology for assessing environmental implications and technologies : nonferrous metals industries / 1976
Notes for serials cataloging / 1998
Path to Prism : Prism service / 1990
Practical cataloguing : AACR, RDA and MARC21 / 2012
Relationship between the OCLC system and the EPA national bibliographic system 1981
Subject cataloging manual Classification / 1992
Subject cataloging manual Subject headings / 1996
The Use of chemical literature / 1969
Treatment Wetland Habitat and Wildlife Use Assessment and North American Treatment Wetland Database Ver 2.0 (on CD-ROM). 1994
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