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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Caribbean area)

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Select Item Title Year Published
21st century health care in Latin America and the Caribbean : prospects for achieving health for all = Atencion a la salud en America Latina y el Caribe en el siglo XXI : perspectivas para lograr salud para todos / 1998
A field guide to coral reefs : Caribbean and Florida / 1999
A field guide to coral reefs of the Caribbean and Florida : a guide to the common invertebrates and fishes of Bermuda, the Bahamas, southern Florida, the West Indies, and the Caribbean coast of Central and South America / 1982
AAA Map'n'go {electronic resource} / 1996
After the hurricane : linking recovery to sustainable development in the Caribbean / 1997
Aquaculture in the Caribbean Basin a bibliography (1970-88) / 1988
Bibliography and checklist of polychaetous annelids of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean region 1975
Caribbean coral reef, seagrass and mangrove sites : CARICOMP / 1998
Caribbean countries economic situation, regional issues, and capital flows. 1988
Caribbean ecology and economics 1991
Caribbean reef plants 2000
Caribbean toxics release inventory, 1990 : a regional TRI prototype / 1993
Caribbean travelbook including Bermuda 1998
Chaetognatha of the Caribbean Sea and adjacent areas / 1984
Coastlines of the Caribbean 1991
Coral reefs of the Caribbean, the Bahamas and Florida 1998
Current state of international environmental law in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1993
Directorio de programas de formacion en ingenieria sanitaria y ambiental en America Latina y el Caribe. 1991
Directory of environmental NGOs in the Eastern Caribbean a guide to non-governmental organizations supporting conservation and resource management programs / 1991
Directory of marine environmental research institutions in the wider Caribbean region. 1991
Disaster, planning and development managing natural hazards to reduce loss / 1990
Ecology of blue crabs, genus Callinectes (Brachyura: Portunidae) in the Caribbean. 1975
Environmental agenda for the 1990's a synthesis of the Eastern Caribbean country environmental profile series : Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. 1991
Environmental epidemiology : a project for Latin America and the Caribbean / 1993
Focal points of the Caribbean environment programme. 1992
GEO Latin America and the Caribbean : environment outlook / 2000
Green guerrillas : environmental conflicts and initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean : a reader / 1996
Grenada country environmental profile / 1991
Guidelines for sediment control practices in the insular Caribbean 1994
Gulf and Caribbean research. 2000
Hydrologic unit map-1974, Caribbean region. 1975
Implementation of the International code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides : report / 1991
Implementing sustainable development in the Caribbean region environmental visions of the 21st century / 1992
In the shadows of the sun Caribbean development alternatives and U.S. policy / 1990
Indigenous peoples and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean / 2010
Infrastructure maintenance in LAC The Costs of Neglect and Options for Improvement. 1992
Inventory of Caribbean marine and coastal protected areas. 1988
Land-based sources (LBS) of pollution as the dominant marine pollution problem in the Wider Caribbean Region 1991
Legislaci on ambiental general en Am erica Latina y el Caribe. 1992
LILACS CD-ROM : literatura latinoamericana y del Caribe en ciencias de la salud. 1988
Listening to the Caribbean : a video report / 1992
Los Recursos hidricos de America Latina y del Caribe planificacion, desastres naturales y contaminacion / 1990
Mangroves of the wider Caribbean toward sustainable management / 1990
Mapa de unidad hidrologica - 1974, region del Caribe = Hydrologic unit map - 1974, Caribbean region / 1975
Marine debris solid waste management action plan for the wider Caribbean. 1994
Market-based instruments for environmental policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean : lessons from eleven countries / 1998
Nation's water resources : the second national water assessment; Caribbean region 1978
Overcoming obstacles in environmental policymaking : creating partnerships through mediation / 1994
Overview of regional history / 1991
Plan de accion para el programa ambiental del Caribe una oportunidad para el desarrollo sostenido. 1988
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