Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Carcinogenese)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aquatic pollutants and biologic effects, with emphasis on neoplasia / 1977
Cancer and the environment : possible mechanisms of thresholds for carcinogens and other toxic substances. 1983
Carcinogenesis bioassays and protecting public health : commemorating the lifework of Cesare Maltoni and colleagues / 2002
Carcinogenesis. 1980
Carcinogenesis. 1980
Carcinogenesis. A comprehensive survey. 1976
Chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis / 1990
Chemical carcinogens / 1976
Computer simulation of carcinogenic processes / 1988
Differentiation and carcinogenesis in liver cell cultures / 1980
Environmental toxicology and chemistry / 1998
Journal of environmental science and health. Part C, Environmental carcinogenesis reviews. 1983
Mechanisms of tumor promotion / 1983
Nongenotoxic mechanisms in carcinogenesis / 1987
Occupational carcinogenesis / 1976
Oncodevelopmental biology and medicine / 1983
Oncogene. 1987
Oncogenesis and herpesviruses; proceedings of a symposium held at Christ's College, Cambridge, England, 20 to 25 June 1971. 1972
Oncogenesis and natural immunity in Syrian hamsters / 1979
Oncogenic viruses. 1970
Species differences in thyroid, kidney and urinary bladder carcinogenesis / 1999
The dose-response relationship for UV-tumorigenesis / 1982

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