Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Carbon organic compounds)

Select Item Title Year Published
Baseline Sediment Characteristics and Sedimentation Patterns on the Virginia Portion of the Chesapeake Bay. 1983
Biogeochemistry of Aluminum in McDonalds Branch Watershed, New Jersey Pine Barrens. 1985
Characteristics of lakes in the eastern United States : a contribution to the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program. 1986
Chemical Characteristics and Temporal Trends in Eight Streams of the Catskill Mountains, New York. (Revised). 1993
Continuous Measurement of Diesel Particulate Emissions (Journal Version). 1988
Conventional Water Treatment and Direct Filtration: Treatment and Removal of Total Organic Carbon and Trihalomethane Precursors. 1986
Detritus Processing and Mineral Cycling in Seagrass 'Zostera' Litter in an Oregon Salt Marsh. 1984
Development, Replicability and Modeling of Naturally Derived Microcosms. 1978
Environmental Assessment of Buccaneer Gas and Oil Field in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1978-1979. Volume II. Investigations of Surficial Sediments and Suspended Particulates at Buccaneer Field. 1980
Evaluating Multicomponent Competitive Adsorption in Fixed Beds. 1987
Field measurement of denitrification / 1977
Interactions between Heterotrophic Plate Count Bacteria and Coliform Organisms. 1985
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : storm water runoff quality : data collection, reduction and analysis / 1979
Receptor model source composition library / 1984
Stability of Turbidity in Raw Water and Its Relationship to Chlorine Demand. 1986
Structure and Function of Copper-Stressed Aquatic Microcosms. 1984
Survey of chemical factors in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) / 1977
Waste Source and Water Quality Studies, Surf City, North Carolina and Vicinity. 1976

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