Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A compilation of cost information for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants and processes / 1967
A cost index format for BATEA achievement by the iron and steel industry / 1979
A Guide to developing and documenting cost estimates during the feasibility study / 2000
ABEL Model: Evaluates Claims of Inability to Afford Penalities and Compliance Costs (Version 2.8) (for Microcomputers). 1996
ABEL Model: Evaluates Claims of Inability to Afford Penalties and Compliance Costs (Version 2.4) (for Microcomputers). 1993
ABEL Model: Evaluates Claims of Inability to Afford Penalties and Compliance Costs, Version 2.6 (for Microcomputers). 1994
ABEL Model: Evaluates Corporations' Claims of Inability to Afford Penalities and Compliance Costs (Version 2.9) (on Diskette). 1998
ABEL Model: Evaluates Corporations' Claims of Inability to Afford Penalities and Compliance Costs (Version 3.0.16) (on Diskette). 1998
ACT woodland restorationimplementation plan / 2011
Advanced Nonthermally Polluting Gas Turbines in Utility Applications. 1971
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; 2003 Drinking Water Infrastucture Needs Survey 2002
An Emerging Technology: Counter-Current Aeration: A Promising Process Modification 1983
An investment decision model for control technology / 1972
Appendices to Handbook of Fabric Filter Technology. Volume II. Fabric Filter Systems Study. 1970
Applicability of SO2-Control Processes to Power Plants. 1972
Applicability Study. Coal Gasification Process. 1972
Automobile industry retail price equivalent and indirect cost multipliers / 2009
Background paper for roundtable discussion on development and implementation of an ACT woodland restoration plan / 2010
Capital investment for water pollution control at the state and local level / 1972
Capital planning strategy manual / 2001
Choosing the optimum financial strategy : upgrading meat packing facilities to reduce pollution / 1973
Clean watersheds needs survey 2000 : report to Congress. 2003
Clean Watersheds Needs Survey Report to Congress, 2004. 2008
Combined Firing Systems for Specific Metropolitan Areas. 1971
Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Alternatives Washington, D.C. 1970
Combined treatment of domestic and industrial wastes by activated sludge. / 1971
Comparisons of Estimated and Actual Pollution Control Capital Expenditures for Selected Industries. 1980
Composting of municipal solid wastes in the United States / 1971
Conceptual design of a commercial scale pilot plant for chemical desulfurization of coal / 1975
Conceptualized Fly-Ash and Sulfur Dioxide Scrubbing System with By-Product Recovery. 1971
Cost Evaluation Strategies for Technologies Tested Under the Environmental Technology Verification Program. 2001
Costs of Arsenic Removal Technologies for Small Water Systems: U.S. EPA Arsenic Removal Technology Demonstration Program. 2011
CUECost Workbook Development Documentation, Version 5.0. 2009
Defense budget : capital asset projects undergo significant change between approval and execution : report to Congressional requesters / 1994
Denver Regional Capital Improvement Program. Volume I. Text. 1975
Design for the environment : directory of EPA's environmental network for managerial accounting and capital budgeting / 1995
Design for the environment : directory of EPA's environmental network for managerial accounting and capital budgeting / 1994
Design manual : removal of arsenic from drinking water by adsorptive media / 2003
Design manual : removal of arsenic from drinking water by ion exchange / 2003
Developing and liberalizing capital markets 1996
Developing human resources. 1970
Development of a State Effluent Charge System. 1962
Development of the Catalytic Chamber Process for the Manufacture of Sulfuric and Nitric Acids from Waste Flue Gases. 1969
Development of the CO2 Acceptor Process Directed Towards Low-Sulfur Boiler Fuel. 1971
Direct Filtration of Lake Superior Water for Asbestiform Fiber Removal. Appendix I. Diatomite Filters for Asbestiform Fiber Removal from Water. 1975
Economic Analysis of Alternative Water Pollution Control Measures. 1971
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : flat glass industry / 1974
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : steam electric powerplants / 1974
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines: Cane Sugar Refining. 1975
Economic Analysis of Irrigation Systems Applicalbe to the Northern Plains. 1973
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