Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Capillary electrophoresis)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analytical biotechnology capillary electrophoresis and chromatography / 1990
Basic HPLC and CE of biomolecules 1998
Capillary electrophoresis / 1995
Capillary electrophoresis : principles and practice / 1993
Capillary electrophoresis : principles, practice, and applications / 1993
Capillary electrophoresis : theory and practice / 1993
Capillary electrophoresis : theory and practice / 1998
Capillary electrophoresis for environmental monitoring. 1995
Capillary electrophoresis guidebook : principles, operation, and applications / 1996
Capillary electrophoresis of small molecules and ions / 1993
Capillary electrophoresis technology / 1993
Chiral pollutants : distribution, toxicity, and analysis by chromatography and capillary electrophoresis / 2004
Handbook of capillary electrophoresis 1994
Handbook of capillary electrophoresis 1997
High resolution separation and analysis of biological macromolecules. Part A, Fundamentals / 1996
High resolution separation and analysis of biological macromolecules. Part B, Applications / 1996
HPLC and CE : principles and practice / 1997
Introduction to micellar electrokinetic chromatography / 1992
Micellar Eletrokinetic Chromatography: A New Tool for Field-Screening of Semivolatiles. 1995
Practical capillary electrophoresis / 1993

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