Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cancer Immunological aspects Congresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
Cancer immunology : immune surveillance and specific recognition of tumor antigen 1974
Carcino-embryonic proteins : chemistry, biology, clincial applications 1979
Carcinofetal proteins biology and chemistry / 1975
Conference and Workshop on Cellular Immune Reactions to Human Tumor-Associated Antigens. 1973
Conference on Immunology of Carcinogenesis. 1972
Developmental aspects of carcinogenesis and immunity / 1974
Ecological perspectives on carcinogens and cancer control : selected papers of the International Conference ... / 1978
Embryonic and fetal antigens in cancer proceedings of the second conference, February 14-16, 1972, Oak Ridge National Laboratory / 1972
Function and structure of the immune system 1979
Genetic control of host resistance to infection and malignancy : proceedings of an international symposium held in Montreal, May 12-15, 1985 1985
International conference on ecological perspectives on carcinogens and cancer control, Cremona, September 16-19, 1976 1977
International Conference on Immunobiology of Cancer : {papers} / 1976
International Conference on Immunotherapy of Cancer : {papers} / 1976
Macrophage in neoplasia 1976
Modulators of experimental carcinogenesis : proceedings of a symposium organized by the IARC and the All-Union Cancer Research Centre of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, held in Moscow, 28-30 June 1982 / 1983
Workshop on Genitourinary Cancer Immunology : held in Iowa City, Iowa, August 30-September 1, 1976 1978

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