Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Sustainable urban development in Canada : from concept to practice / 1992
Synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland 1994
Synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland 1980
Synopsis of the parasites of fishes of Canada / 1979
Tapwater consumption in Canada / 1981
Tar sands : dirty oil and the future of a continent / 2010
Taxonomy and Biology of Sludge Worms. 1969
Technical guide to the environmental screening of dredging projects and marina developments in eastern Canada / 1987
Technology and associated cost for sulphite pulping spent liquor recovery 1977
Technology Evaluation Report: Toronto Harbour Commissioners (THC) Soil Recycle Treatment Train. 1993
Temperature Requirements of Some Percids and Adaptations to the Seasonal Temperature Cycle. 1977
Temporal and geographic estimates of survival and recovery rates for the mallard, 1950 through 1985 / 1989
Tetrachlorobenzenes. 1993
Tetrachloroethylene. 1993
Tetraethyl lead environmental and technical information for problem spills / 1985
Textbook of dendrology, covering the important forest trees of the United States and Canada 1968
The "nations within" : aboriginal-state relations in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand / 1992
The 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory (version 2) : development of the annual data and modelers' tapes : final report / 1989
The 2008 Canadian atmospheric assessment of agricultural ammonia. 2009
The 2012 road atlas : United States, Canada, and Mexico. 2012
The Atlantic shore; human and natural history from Long Island to Labrador / 1966
The atlas of U.S. and Canadian environmental history / 2003
The Audubon Society field guide to North American trees / 1980
The basic technology of the pulp and paper industry and its environmental protection practices / 1983
The Cambridge gazetteer of the United States and Canada : a dictionary of places / 1995
The Canadian Forestry Service air pollution program and bibliography / 1988
The Canadian wetland classification system / 1997
The capelin (Mallotus villosus) : biology, distribution, exploitation, utilization, and composition / 1974
The Clean Air Act : compilation of regulations and guidelines / 1977
The Clean Air Act report. 1984
The collector : David Douglas and the natural history of the Northwest / 2009
The Development of Canadian marine environmental quality guidelines / 1992
The Distribution of mercury in sediment cores from Bellingham Bay, Washington / 1973
The ecological consequences of dredging and dredge spoil disposal in Canadian waters / 1982
The ecology of eelgrass meadows of the Atlantic Coast : a community profile / 1984
The eel fisheries of eastern Canada / 1968
The effects of acidic deposition on aquatic resources in Canada : an analysis of past, present and future effects / 1988
The effects of petroleum refinery liquid wastes on aquatic life, with special emphasis on the Canadian environment / 1976
The elimination of leaded motor gasoline : effect on Canadian gasoline engines beyond 1990 / 1989
The evaluation of mobile and stationary facilities for the destruction of PCBs / 1989
The evolution of toxicological testing in Canada / 2004
The feasibility of oil spill dispersant application in the Southern Beaufort Sea : a report submitted to Research and Development Division, Environmental Emergency Branch, Environmental Impact Control Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Department of Fisheries and Environment / 1977
The Great Lakes sewage report card / 2006
The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement : an evolving instrument for ecosystem management / 1985
The illustrated book of trees : the comprehensive field guide to more than 250 trees of eastern North America / 2001
The impact of the insecticide carbofuran (Furadan 480F) on the burrowing owl in Canada / 1989
The impact of the white man / 1992
The lobster fishery of the Maritime Provinces : economic effects of regulations / 1974
The making of a conservative environmentalist : with reflections on government, industry, scientists, the media, education, economic growth, the public, the Great Lakes, activists, and the sunsetting of toxic chemicals / 1995
The marine molluscs of Arctic Canada, prosobranch gastropods, chitons and scaphopods. 1971
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