Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=California Delta Region)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1990 striped bass egg and larvae management studies, San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary : executive summary / 1991
A description of the Delta-Suisun Bay Surveillance Program. 1970
A hydraulic-water quality model of Suisun and San Pablo Bays. 1966
A progress report on the Delta-San Luis Drain Surveillance Program. 1969
A proposed ecologic model for a eutrophying environment. 1968
A report on phase I development of a preliminary plan and program for a study of toxicity and biostimulation in San Francisco Bay-Delta waters / 1970
A telemetry study of striped bass emigration from Clifton Court Forebay : implications for predator enumeration and control / 1997
Additional evidence in regard to freshwater inflow to San Francisco Bay under natural conditions 1987
Adult salmon migration monitoring, Suisun Marsh salinity control gates, September-November 1994 / 1996
Advanced water treatment of estuarine water supplies / 2008
Agricultural practices and drainage from agricultural lands. 1968
An assessment of the likely mechanisms underlying the "fish-X2" relationships / 1997
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta / 1987
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta : executive summary / 1987
An introduction to the ecology of the San Francisco Estuary / 1990
An introduction to the ecology of the San Francisco Estuary / 1991
Annual report 1993
Appendix : summary of public comments on the draft water quality control plan and environmental impact report : Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh. 1978
Base of fresh ground water, approximately 3,000 Micromhos, in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California / 1973
Bivalve point source pilot study to monitor water quality in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary (WRCB standard agreement no. 2-117-120-0) / 1984
CALFED Bay-Delta Program : CALFED phase II storage and conveyance refinement process overview. 1998
CALFED Bay-Delta Program : water quality program. 1998
CALFED Bay-Delta Program : watershed management strategy. 1998
CALFED no action alternative appendix 1998
CALFED phase II alternative descriptions : programmatic EIS/EIR appendix / 1998
CALFED phase II interim report 1998
CALFED storage and conveyance components facility descriptions and cost estimates 1997
California and Federal Endangered Species Act compliance : programmatic EIS/EIR technical appendix / 1998
California's Bay-Delta : the problem, the process and the potential. 1998
Central Valley Water resource study : review draft. 1970
Central Valley Water resource study. 1970
Comparing futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta / 2010
Comprehensive conservation and management plan / 1994
Continuous monitoring of striped bass eggs and larvae in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary a potential management tool. 1990
Delta agricultural diversion evaluation 1992 pilot study / 1994
Delta agricultural diversion evaluation : summary report, 1993-1995 / 1998
Delta atlas Sacramento, San Joaquin. 1995
Delta fish and wildlife protection study / 1962
Delta revival : restoring a California ecosystem / 2003
Delta water facilities : program for Delta protection and water transfer, water conservation, water recycling, surface and ground water storage. 1978
Delta water facilities : recreation / 1962
Delta water facilities : salinity incursion and water resources / 1962
Delta Wetlands Project modeling strategy / 1999
Delta-Estuary : California's inland coast : a public trust report / 1991
Delta-Suisun Bay ecological studies : a water quality data report of the coordinated monitoring program : methods and data for [1973-1974]. 1975
Delta-Suisun Bay surveillance program / Appendix A : methods ; Appendix B : Data. 1972
Delta-Suisun Bay Surveillance Program : a progress report on the Delta San Luis Drain portion of the program / 1972
Delta-Suisun Bay surveillance program : a water quality progress report on the Central Valley Operations Sampling Program : methods appendix, data appendix. 1974
Delta-Suisun Bay surveillance program : a water quality progress report on the Delta San Luis drain surveillance program : methods appendix, data appendix. 1974
Delta-Suisun Bay surveillance program : a water quality progress report on the Peripheral Canal Study Program : methods appendix, data appendix. 1974
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