Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Calcium Metabolism)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the regulation of calcium, magnesium and phosphate metabolism in a teleost with acellular bone, Fundulus heteroclitus / 1970
Calcium and cell physiology 1985
Calcium in biological systems 1976
Calcium requirements; report of an FAO/WHO Expert Group {meeting} Rome, Italy, 23 to 30 May 1961. 1962
Calcium transport and cell function / 1978
Effects of Lindane and Linuron on Calcium Metabolism, Bone Morphometry and the Kidney in Rats. 1990
Endocrinology of calcium metabolism : proceedings of the sixth Parathyroid Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 12-17, 1977 1978
Evaluation of methods for the assessment of in vitro neurotoxicity : calcium homeostasis as target for insecticides / 2016
Heavy metals in fish scales : accumulation and effects on calcium regulation in the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus L. / 1986
Impairment of Calcium Homeostasis by Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Exposure in Fischer 344 Rats (Journal Version). 1988
Intestinal calcium absorption and its regulation 1981
Mineral Content of the Arterial Wall of Infants and its Relation to Arterial Calcinosis in Childhood (Der Mineralgehalt der Kindlichen Arterienwand und Seine Beziehung zur Kindlichen Arterienkalzinose). 1973
Osteoporosis : nutritional aspects / 1993

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