Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cadmium Toxicology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,1-dichloroethylene : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
1,2-dichloroethylene : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for cadmium / 1985
Ambient water quality criteria for cadmium / 1980
An assessment of cadmium in drinking water from a multi-media perspective / 1979
Analysis of previously collected agricultural soil samples for cadmium : task 33 : final report / 1981
Aspects on the toxicity of cadmium and its compounds; a review. 1970
Assessment of cadmium exposure and toxicity risk in an American vegetarian population / 1985
Assessment of human exposures to atmospheric cadmium / 1979
Availability of cadmium to rats from crops grown on cadmium enriched soil / 1987
Beryllium, cadmium, mercury, and exposures in the glass manufacturing industry. 1993
Cadmium 1986
Cadmium 1984
Cadmium 1981
Cadmium : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
Cadmium : health advisory / 1987
Cadmium : position document 4. 1986
Cadmium : special review document. 1991
Cadmium an analysis of Swedish regulatory experience / 1990
Cadmium and health : a toxicological and epidemiological appraisal / 1985
Cadmium and lead levels in human blood and kidney : a literature search / 1980
Cadmium and zinc toxicity to Jordanella floridae (Goode and Bean) : effects on growth, reproduction, survival, and behavior / 1974
Cadmium and zinc toxicity to Jordanella floridae / 1976
Cadmium in the environment 1974
Cadmium in the environment 1971
Cadmium in the environment / 1980
Cadmium in the environment : a toxicological and epidemiological appraisal / 1971
Cadmium in the environment : a toxicological and epidemiological appraisal. / 1971
Cadmium in the environment III : a toxicological and epidemiological appraisal / 1975
Cadmium in the Environment, II. 1973
Cadmium in the human environment toxicity and carcinogenicity / 1992
Cadmium risks to freshwater life : derivation and validation of low-effect criteria values using laboratory and field studies / 2006
Cadmium toxicity 1979
Cadmium Toxicity to Three Species of Estuarine Invertebrates. 1981
Cadmium-Effected Changes in 'Arabidopsis thaliana' (L.) Heynh. Viability and Growth. 1981
Chemical toxicities and thermal synergisms in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) 1975
Chronic toxicity of lead and cadmium : I. changes in the central nervous system of the parental generation of rats after chronic intoxication with lead and cadmium / 1980
Chronic toxicity of lead and cadmium. III, Effects of chronic intoxication on the reproductive function of the F1 generation and on the central nervous system of the F2 generation of rats / 1982
Compilation of state data for eight selected toxic substances / 1975
CPSC releases lead and cadmium test results on vinyl products. 1997
Criteria (dose/effect relationships) for cadmium : report of a working group of experts prepared for the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Social Affairs, Health and Safety Directorate. 1978
Criteria for a recommended standard occupational exposure to cadmium. 1976
Draft toxicological profile for cadmium / 2008
Effect of Cadmium on the Root and Nodule Ultrastructure of 'Alnus rubra'. 1980
Effects of metal salt mixtures on Daphnia magna reproduction / 1986
Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of Cadmium on Adult 'Palaemonetes pugio' under Static and Flow-Through Conditions. 1982
Environmental Contaminants Act : hazard assessment report on cadmium. 1983
Evaluation methods for environmental standards 1983
Final draft for the drinking water criteria document on cadmium 1986
Globeville childhood metals study : an exposure study / 1994
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