Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alternative Cleaning Technologies for Vapor Degreasing and Cold Dip Processes. 1992
Alternative control techniques document : industrial cleaning solvents / 1994
Alternative control techniques document : offset lithographic printing, supplemental information based on public comment on draft control techniques guideline announced in Federa Register on November 8, 1993 / 1994
Alternative control technology document : halogenated solvent cleaners / 1989
Alternative treatment of organic solvents and sludges from metal finishing operations / 1983
Automobile assembly plant spray booth cleaning emission reduction technology review 1994
Catalog of Materials as Potential Sources of Indoor Air Pollution. 1991
Chemical shoreline cleaning agents : evaluation of two laboratory procedures for estimating performance / 1993
Chemical shoreline cleaning agents for oil spills : update state-of-the-art on mechanisms of action and factors influencing performance / 1993
Chemical Substitution for 1,1,1,-Trichloroethane and Methanol in an Industrial Cleaning Operation. 1992
Chemical surface washing agents for oil spills : project summary / 1993
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspectives ; Task III chlorofluorocarbon emission control in selected end-use applications. 1976
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspectives. Task 1 Technical alternatives to selected chlorofluorocarbon uses. 1976
Cleaning up mixed waste streams : the tank truck washing example. 1977
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition (Including Supplements 1-7). Supplement No. 10. 1980
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from offset lithographic printing : draft / 1993
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from offset lithographic printing : draft / 1992
Control Techniques Guidelines: Industrial Cleaning Solvents (DRAFT). 2006
Demineralization of wastewater by electrodialysis / 1975
Disinfectants and disinfectant by-products / 2000
Dispersant Effectiveness on Oil Spills: Impact of Environmental Factors. 2010
Disposal of Wastes From the Cleaning of Airplanes. 1954
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Effects of oil pollution on waterfowl : a study of salvage methods / 1970
Efficiency of Oil-Spill Removers (Efficacite des Produits Antipetrole). 1974
Effluent limitations guidelines for existing sources and standards of performance for new sources for 28 point source categories : summary of final [report]. 1974
Evaluation of New and Emerging Technologies for Textile Cleaning. 2005
Evaluation of Oil Spill Dispersant Testing Requirements. 1987
Evaluation of Pollution Prevention Opportunities for Coated and Laminated Substrate Manufacturing Equipment Cleaning. 1994
Guidance document for the halogenated solvent cleaner NESHAP / 1995
Guidance document for the halogenated solvent cleaner NESHAP / sponsored by Emission Standards Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1995
Guides to pollution prevention : the paint manufacturing industry. 1990
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Project. Metro Toxicant Program Report Number 1A. Summary Report. 1982
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Project. Metro Toxicant Program Report Number 1B. Toxicants in Consumer Products. 1982
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Project. Metro Toxicant Program Report Number 1C. Public Opinions and Actions. 1982
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Project. Metro Toxicant Program Report Number 1D. SLEUTH (Strategies and Lessons to Eliminate Unused Toxicants: Help) - Educational Activities on the Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste. 1982
Improved Equipment Cleaning at Coated and Laminated Substrate Manufacturing Facilities (Seminar Paper). 1994
Improved equipment cleaning in coated and laminated substrate manufacturing facilities (phase 1) 1994
Indoor air pollutants from household product sources / 1991
Indoor air pollutants from household product sources project summary / 1992
Investigation of Waste Rag Generation at Naval Station Mayport. 1995
Laboratory evaluation of nonstick coatings to reduce ink adhesion to printing press components / 2000
Metal Recovery/Removal Using Non-Electrolytic Metal Recovery. 1990
National emission standards for halogenated solvent cleaning : summary of requirements for implementing the NESHAP / 1997
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : halogenated solvent cleaning ; background information for final standards / 1994
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories : aerospace manufacturing and rework ; background information for proposed standards / 1994
Oil tanker waste disposal practices a review / 1992
Parts washing alternatives study United States Coast Guard / 1995
Preliminary study of selected potential environmental contaminants : optical brighteners, methyl chloroform, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, ion exchange resins, final report / 1975
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