Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Plan Metro Denver. Environmental Protection Agency Workshop on Traffic Control Strategies. 1973
Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Credit Assistance Pilot Project 1995
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Spring 2001, New Publications 2001
Pollution prevention possibilities for small and medium-sized industries : results of the WRITE project / 1995
Portfields : charting a course for port revitalization / 2005
Post-Katrina NPL and Non-NPL Superfund Site Evaluations Southern and Coastal Alabama and Mississippi. 2005
Potential to emit : a guide for small businesses. 1998
Powder Coat Applications. (Reannounced with new abstract). 1997
Process of Handling Appeals of Permanent Relocation Claim Decisions. 2003
Project XL : Directory of project experiments and results. 2000
Project XL : Directory of regulatory, policy, and technology innovations. 2000
Project XL : innovations in core functions. 2000
Protecting your health & the environment through innovative approaches to compliance : highlights from the past 5 years. 1999
Putting Community First: A Promising Approach to Federal Collaboration for Environmental Improvement. An Evaluation of the Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) Demonstration Program. 2009
Recommendations for a National P2 Information Network. 1998
Recycling works! : state and local solutions to solid waste management problems. 1999
Region 5 Penalty Reduction was Unjustified and Undocumented. 2008
Regulatory impact analysis : phase IV land disposal restrictions - TC metals / 1997
Regulatory impact analysis for the petroleum refineries NESHAP : final. 1995
Regulatory impact analysis for the petroleum refineries NESHAP. 1994
Regulatory impact analysis for the petroleum refineries NESHAP. 1995
Regulatory impact analysis for the petroleum refineries NSPS. 2008
Regulatory impact analysis for the proposed petroleum refinery NSPS 2007
Regulatory impact analysis for the proposed rulemaking on corrective action for solid waste management units / 1990
Regulatory impact analysis for the stationary spark ignition new source performance standard (SI NSPS) and new area source NESHAP. 2007
Regulatory Impact Analysis: Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions, TC Metals Wastes. 1998
Removal of DBCP (1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane) from Groundwater. Volume 1. POE/POU (Point of Entry/Point of Use) Treatment Devices: Institutional and Jurisdictional Factors. 1989
Report to Congress : status of the state Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program (SBTCP), for the reporting period, January - December 1999 / 2001
Resource Guide for Small Business Air Emissions Assistance, 1997. 1997
RFA/SBREFA Screening Analysis For Water Quality Standards For Nutrients In Lakes and Flowing Waters In Florida. 2009
Safer, Clear Environment through Compliance Assistance. 1997
Saving Money, Reducing Waste: A Short Course in Pollution Prevention for Screen Printers (Order Form) 1990
Setting small drinking water system rates for a sustainable future : one of the Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) guide series / 2006
Small business innovation research program 1983-1985 : abstracts of phase I and Phase II awards. 1986
SmartWay Transport : helping the freight industry save fuel, money, and the environment : 2005 annual report / 2006
Summary and analysis of comments : control of emissions from highway motorcycles / 2003
Superfund, getting into the act : contracting and subcontracting opportunities in the Superfund program. 1989
Superfund: Qualified Disadvantaged Business Utilization in State Response. 1992
Sustainability in action : profiles of community initiatives across the United States (revised 1998). 1998
Technical approaches to characterizing and cleaning up brownfields sites / 2001
The small business sector study : impacts of environmental regulations on small business / 1988
The small business source book on environmental auditing / 2000
TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Confidential Business Information Security Manual. 1984
TSCA confidential business information security manual. 1981
United States Environmental Protection Agency Research Initiatives in Waste Reduction for Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators. 1987
Valuing potential environmental liabilities for managerial decision-making : a review of available techniques / 1996
Waste reduction activities and options for a local Board of Education in New Jersey / 1992
Waste reduction activities and options for a manufacturer of plastic containers by injection molding / 1992
Waste reduction activities and options for a scrap metal recovery facility / 1992
Waste Reduction Tips for All Businesses. 1987
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