Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of air pollutant emissions from residential heating systems / 1974
Acid Deposition Strategies, the LIMB (Limestone Injection/Multistage Burners) Program and Implications for Control Technology Requirements. 1985
Acid rain control options. 1990
Advanced Combustion Systems for Stationary Gas Turbine Engines: Volume II. Bench Scale Evaluation. 1980
Advances in Control Technology for Acid Deposition. 1985
Aerodynamic control of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants from fossil fuel combustion : Vol. II Raw data and experminental equipment / 1973
Aerodynamic Control of Nitrogen Oxides and Other Pollutants from Fossil Fuel Combustion. Volume I. Data Analysis and Summary of Conclusions. 1973
Air Conservation. Volume 11, Number 3(59), 1977. 1978
Air pollution aspects of tepee burners used for disposal of municipal refuse / 1966
Air pollution engineering manual. 1973
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from glass manufacturing / 1994
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from process heaters (revised) / 1993
American combustion pyretron destruction system : applications analysis report. 1989
Analysis of emissions from residential oil furnaces / 1992
Analysis of Low NOx Operation of Two Pulverized-Coal Fired Utility Boilers. 1983
Analysis of test data for NOx control in coal-fired utility boilers / 1976
Analysis of test data for NOx control in gas and oil-fired utility boilers / 1975
Analytical methods for trace metals. 1976
Application of combustion modifications to industrial combustion equipment / 1979
Application of holographic methods to the measurement of flames and particulate : volume I / 1974
Application of LIMB to Pulverized Coal Boilers - A Systems Analysis: Limestone Feed and Boiler Systems. 1982
Application of Pulse Combustion to Solid and Hazardous Waste Incineration. 1991
Application of staged combustion and reburning to the co-firing of nitrogenated wastes: chemical and biological analyses [microfiche] / 1990
APTI course 427, combustion evaluation / 1980
APTI course 427, combustion evaluation : instructor's guide / 1980
APTI course 427, combustion evaluation : student manual / 1980
Assessment of Formaldehyde as a Potential Air Pollution Problem. Volume VIII. 1976
Bench scale studies of limestone injection for SO2 control : final report / 1985
Bench-Scale Evaluation of Non-U.S. Coals for NOx Formation Under Excess Air and Staged Combustion Conditions. 1983
Boiler design criteria for dry sorbent SO2 control with low-NOx burners / 1986
Brief Review of Planned R and D (Research and Development) in the LIMB (Limestone Injection Multistage Burner) Development Program. 1984
Burner criteria for NOx control / 1976
Burner Criteria for NOx Control. Volume 2. Heavy-Oil and Coal-Fired Furnaces and the Evaluation of Radiative Heat Transfer Models. 1984
Burner Criteria for NOx Control. Volume 3. Heavy-Oil and Coal-Fired Furnaces and Further Furnace Investigations. 1984
Burner design criteria for control of NOx from natural gas combustion / 1976
Burner Design Criteria for Control of NOx from Natural Gas Combustion. Volume I. Data Analysis and Summary of Conclusions. 1976
Burner design criteria for NOX control from low-BTU gas combustion : volume I. ambient fuel temperature / 1977
Burner design criteria NOX control from low-BTU gas combustion : volum II. elevated fuel temperature / 1977
Calcination Kinetics and Surface Area of Dispersed Limestone Particles. 1985
Calcination of calcium hydroxide sorbent in the presence of SO2 and its effect on reactivity / 1989
Calcium-Based Sorbents in the LIMB (Limestone Injection Multistage Burner) Process. 1987
Characteristic Time Correlation of Emissions from Conventional Aircraft Type Flames. 1976
Chemical analysis of waste crankcase oil combustion samples : project summary / 1983
Chemical analysis of waste crankcase oil combustion samples {MICROFICHE} 1983
Coal Cleaning Options for SO2 Emission Reduction. 1985
Coal Utility Environmental Cost (CUECost) (Raw Data File on Diskette). 1999
Combustion efficiency optimization manual for operators of oil- and gas-fired boilers / 1983
Combustion modification controls for residential and commercial heating systems / 1981
Combustion Modification Controls for Residential and Commercial Heating Systems. Volume II: Oil-Fired Residential Furnace Field Test. 1981
Combustion of Wood Residue in Conical (Wigwam) Burners, Emission Controls and Alternatives. 1975
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