Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bulk solids)

Select Item Title Year Published
A primer for sampling solids, liquids, and gases : based on the seven sampling errors of Pierre Gy / 2000
A study of volatile organic compound and condensible particulate matter measurement methods used on furnish dryers in the oriented strandboard industry. 1994
Analytical method for the determination of asbestos in vermiculite and vermiculite-containing products / 2000
Bulk blend quality control manual 1996
Fate and effects of particulates discharged by combined sewers and storm drains / 1980
Field evaluation of windscreens as a fugitive dust control measure for material storage piles / 1986
Interim method for the determination of asbestos in bulk insulation samples. 1983
Particulate matter emissions from kraft mill recovery furnaces, lime kilns, and smelt dissolving tanks. 1996
PLM analysis of materials used in schools and other public buildings 1983
Sampling for analytical purposes 1998
Sampling of heterogeneous and dynamic material systems theories of heterogeneity, sampling, and homogenizing / 1992
Sampling of particulate materials : theory and practice / 1979
Sampling of particulate materials : theory and practice / 1982
Superfund method for the determination of releasable asbestos in soils and bulk materials. 1997

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