Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Buildings Environmental engineering)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bioterrorism : a guide for facility managers / 2005
Building air quality : a guide for building owners and facility managers : training kit, an introduction to building air quality. 1992
Building air quality : a guide for building owners and facility managers. 1991
Building air quality action plan. 1998
Building and environment. 1976
Coastal construction practices / 1982
Development and Evaluation of Instrumentation for Measurement of Indoor Air Quality. 1989
Energy use, infiltration, and indoor air quality in tight, well-insulated residences 1985
Fractional aerosol filtration efficiency of air cleaners 1993
Green building operations and maintenance. 2009
Green schools : attributes for health and learning / 2007
Greening federal facilities : an energy, environmental, and economic resource guide for federal facilities managers / 1997
Guide to environmental protection of collections / 1991
Healthy building for a better earth : the proceedings of the First National Conference on Environmental Sensitivity in Construction, Washington, D.C., May 6-8, 1990 / 1991
Heating and cooling for man in industry. 1975
I-Beam IAQ building education and assessment model. 2001
Implementing health-protective features and practices in buildings : workshop proceedings. 2005
Improved data and procedures needed for development and implementation of building energy performance standards : report to the Congress 1980
Indoor air : an integrated approach / 1995
Indoor air quality guide : best practices for design, construction, and commissioning. 2009
Indoor air quality issues / 1999
Indoor-outdoor air pollution relationships / 1972
Lead Tech '97 conference & exhibition : achieving success in lead hazard control : Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1997, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia / 1997
Managing indoor air quality / 2008
Managing indoor air quality / 1991
Managing indoor air quality / 2011
Mechanical and electrical equipment for buildings / 2010
New construction & major renovation reference guide version 2.2 2007
New construction reference guide version 2.2. 2007
Noise, buildings, and people 1977
Occupancy-counter-based control system : final report / 1979
Proceedings : the 1988 Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology / 1989
Proceedings of the annual Environmental Design Research Association Conference 1969
Proceedings of the sustainable low-slope roofing workshop : Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 9-10, 1996 / 1997
Proceedings: The 1990 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology. Held in Atlanta, Georgia on February 19-23, 1990. Volume 2. Symposium Oral Papers (Sessions 5-9). 1991
Radon Mitigation in Schools: HVAC Systems in Schools Tend to Have a Greater Impact on Radon Levels Than HVAC Systems in Homes. 1990
Radon reduction in new construction : an interim guide. 1987
The status of indoor air pollution research 1976 / 1977

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