Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Building materials)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,2-Dibromo-4-(1,2-dibromoethyl)cyclohexane : information review / 1982
1997 Annual book of ASTM standards Index. 1997
1998 Annual book of ASTM standards Construction 1998
2000 buy-recycled series : landscaping products. 2000
A preliminary evaluation of the control of indoor radon daughter levels in new structures / 1976
A study of the feasibility of utilizing solid wastes for building materials : phase III and IV summary reports / 1978
Acidic deposition and the corrosion and deterioration of materials in the atmosphere : a bibliography, 1880-1982 / 1983
AHERA support : response to comments : asbestos substitutes : draft report for Task 2-2 Subtask 1/ 1988
AHERA support : response to health-related comments on asbestos substitutes : final report for Task 1-1, AHERA support, Subtask 12 : review of asbestos ban and phase out rule / 1988
Alternatives for management of pulp and paper industry solid wastes : production of lightweight aggregate. 1994
Analysis of comments on the health effects of asbestos : draft report for Task 2-25/ 1987
Analytical and numerical models for estimating the effect of exhaust ventilation on radon entry in houses with basements or crawl spaces / 1986
Annual book of ASTM standards 2005. Section 4, Construction. 2005
Annual book of ASTM standards 2006. Section 4, Construction. 2006
Annual book of ASTM standards 2006. Section 4, Construction. 2006
Annual book of ASTM standards, 2001 Construction soil and rock (I) D 420-D 5779. 2001
Annual book of ASTM standards, 2003. Section 4, Construction. 2003
Asbestos in schools and other buildings : a layman's guide to the legal issues / 1985
Asbestos in the home. 1989
Asbestos NESHAP regulated asbestos containing materials guidance. 1990
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : bulk sample analysis quality assurance program / 1980
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : bulk sample analysis quality assurance program : bulk sample round two / 1981
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : bulk sample analysis quality assurance program : bulk sample rounds 12, 13, and blind round III / 1986
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : bulk sample analysis quality assurance program : bulk sample rounds 16, 17 and 18 / 1990
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : bulk sample analysis quality assurance program : bulk sample rounds 9, 10, 11, and blind round II / 1985
Assessing the Performance of Full-Scale Environmental Chambers Using an Independently Measured Emission Source. 1999
ASTM standards in building codes : specifications, test methods, practices, classifications, definitions. 1982
Background information on substitutes for asbestos 1980
Basic construction materials : methods and testing / 1993
Beddington Zero (Fossil) Energy Development / 2002
BEES 1.0 : building for environmental and economic sustainability, technical manual and user guide / 1998
BEES 2.0 : building for environmental and economic sustainability, technical manual and user guide / 2000
BEES 3.0 : building for environmental and economic sustainability, technical manual and user guide / 2002
Better places to learn / 2003
Blue vinyl / 2002
Blue vinyl / 2005
Blue vinyl / 2002
Building a green future : a case study of EPA Region 10's building renovations. 1999
Building construction cost data 2016 / 2015
Building construction cost data. 1943
Building construction costs with RSMeans data 2017 / 2017
Building construction costs with RSMeans data 2019 / 2019
Building green in a black and white world : a guide to selling the homes your customers want / 2000
Building materials, health and indoor air quality : no breathing space? / 2017
Building physics research and development, 1984-88. 1988
Catalog of Materials as Potential Sources of Indoor Air Pollution. 1991
Coal ash utilization : fly ash, bottom ash, and slag / 1978
Construction and demolition waste landfills / 1995
Construction materials map of Wyoming / 1986
Construction waste management : a guide for municipalities. 1997
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