Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Brown trout)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of migratory lake-run trout in the Brule River, Wisconsin : Part I, brown trout / 1967
An evaluation of the fish population, North Fork of the South Platte River. 1977
Aquatic Resources Injury Assessment Report, Upper Clark Fork River Basin, Appendices A-G 1993
Brown trout population and habitat changes associated with increased minimum low flows in Douglas Creek, Wyoming / 1990
Copper avoidance and mortality of juvenile brown trout (salmo trutta) in tests with copper-sulfate-treated water from West Branch Reservoir, Putnam County, New York 2001
Determination of physical and hydraulic preferences of brown and brook trout in the selection of spawning locations 1977
Effects of alterations to low gradient reaches of Utah streams 1980
Effects of streambank riprapping on physical features and brown trout standing stocks in Millville Creek / 1995
Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of brown trout / 1994
Habitat suitability index models and instream flow suitability curves. Brown trout / 1986
Impact analysis of a flow augmentation program on the brown trout fishery of the Arkansas River, Colorado / 1994
Impact of urbanization on the hydrology of Pocono Creek Watershed a model study / [electronic resource] : 2006
Investigation of Spinal Deformity of Trout (Salmo sp.) in the Brule River, Wisconsin. 1983
Migratory brown trout and rainbow trout populations of the Brule River, Wisconsin 1984
Population dynamics of wild brown trout and associated sport fisheries in four central Wisconsin streams / 1981
Results for Sublethal Effects of Silver Nitrate on Early-life Stage Reproduction on Oncorhynchus Mykiss and Salmo Trutta (Brown Trout). 2011
Salmon and trout: a resource, its ecology, conservation, and management 1971
Sexual maturity and fecundity of brown trout in central and northern Wisconsin streams 1985
The dynamics of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and sculpin (Cottus spp.) populations as indicators of eutrophication / 1972

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