Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bromo)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1-Bromo-3-chloropropane : information review / 1984
2,4,6-tribromophenol and other simple brominated phenols / 2005
A one step method for the determination of carbamate pesticides by derivatization with [alpha]-bromo-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorotoluene / 1979
Ambient water quality criteria for halomethanes / 1980
An exposure and risk assessment for trihalomethanes : chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane / 1980
Analysis for polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) in environmental samples [microform] / 1979
Assessment of the mutagenic potential of carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane, ethylene dichloride, and methyl bromide : a comparative analysis in relation to ethylene dibromide / 1985
Breakpoint chlorination/activated carbon treatment : effect on volatile halogenated organics / 1978
Bromo- and Bromochloro-Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in the Environment. 1990
Carcinogenic Activity of Haloacetonitriles and Haloacetone Derivatives in the Mouse Skin and Lung. 1984
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspectives ; Task III chlorofluorocarbon emission control in selected end-use applications. 1976
Comparative Renal and Hepatotoxicity of Halomethanes: Bromodichloromethane. Bromoform, Chloroform, Dibromochloromethane and Methylene Chloride. 1983
Comparison of In vivo and In vitro Methods for Assessing the Effects of Bromobenzene on the Hepatic-Metabolizing Enzyme System. 1987
Current Awareness Service for Toxic Substances (CATS). Cumulative Report Number 2. Part II. 1976
Current awareness service for toxic substances : cumulative report no. 2, part I 1976
Delayed Neuropathy in Adult Peking Ducks Induced By Some Organophosphorus Esters. 1984
Development of a Portable Monitor for Detection of Toxic Organic Compounds. 1984
Development of microwave plasma detoxification process for hazardous wastes / 1977
Effect of Bromide on the Formation and Distribution of Trihalomethanes in Chlorinated Ground Water. 1986
Electrophilic Bromination of Dibenzo-p-Dioxin (Journal Version). 1987
Enforcement decision document : Reilly Tar & Chemical, MN : second remedial action. 1986
Environmental and Health Aspects of Bromoethylene: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Published Literature 1930-1981. 1981
Environmental hazard assessment of one and two carbon fluorocarbons / 1974
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : brominated chemicals / 1978
Environmental Monitoring Near Industrial Sites: Brominated Chemicals. Part II: Appendix. 1978
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 23A, Method 501.1, Trihalomethanes by Purge and Trap (REANNOUNCEMENT of PB84-169994 - see notes field for explanation). 1984
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 23A, Method 501.1, Trihalomethanes by Purge and Trap. 1984
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 23B, Method 501.2, Trihalomethanes by Liquid/Liquid Extraction. 1984
Evaluation of a Sampling and Analysis Method for Determination of Polyhalogenated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Ambient Air. 1991
Evaluation of Parts-per-Billion (PPB) Organic Cylinder Gases for Use as Audits during Hazardous Waste Trial Burn Tests. 1985
Evaluation of suspected environmental contamination of the Hemlock, Michigan, area. 1980
Field Investigation of Effectiveness of Soil Vapor Extraction Technology (September 1994). 1994
Formation and Removal of Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Drinking Water: A Case Study at Huron, South Dakota. 1977
Fourteen Day Whole-Body Inhalation Study in Rats. 2012
Halomethanes: Ambient Water Quality Criteria. 1978
Health and environmental effects profile for bromophos. 1986
Health and environmental effects profile for methyl bromide. 1986
Identification of selected Federal activities directed to chemicals of near-term concern : asbestos, arsenic, benzidine, ethylene, dibromide, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, polybrominated biphenyls, polychlorinated biphenyls, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride / 1976
Initial Submission: Letter from (Confidential) to USEPA Reporting Results of Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Fischer 344 Rats with 1-Bromo-2,2-Difluoroethane, Dated 04/20/2000 (Sanitized). 2000
Initial Submission: Letter from BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc to USEPA Reporting Preliminary Results of Toxicity Screening Studies of 2-Bromo-3,3,3-Trifluoropropane, Dated 5/5/1999. 1999
Initial Submission: Letter from Dupont Haskell Lab to USEPA Reporting Results of Acute Inhalation Study (LC50) in Rats with 1-Bromo-1,1,2,3, 3,3-Hexafluoropropane, Dated 05/01/2000. 2000
Intercomparison of sampling techniques for toxic organic compounds in indoor air / 1987
Intial Submissions: Letter from BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc to USEPA Reporting Preliminary Results of Toxicity Screening Studies w/4-Bromo-3,3, 4,4-Tetrafluorobutene, Dated 5/5/1999. 1999
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : monohalomethanes : final report / 1977
Investigation of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants: Haloalcohols. 1980
Investigation of the metabolism of chlorinated hydrocarbons in subhuman species / 1985
Laboratory Evaluation of Commercially Available Passive Organic Personal Monitors. 1982
Mutagenic Screening of Three Dyes for Marker Grenades in the Salmonella Reversion Assay and the L5178Y/TK+/-Mouse Lymphoma Assay. 1988
Notification that Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol Solution, Beta-bromo-beta-nitro-vinylfuran, is no Longer Claimed as Confidential Business Information. 2011
Pesticide fact sheet number 32 : bronopol / 1984
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