Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Botany Ecology)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aims and methods of vegetation ecology 1974
Belowground responses to rising atmospheric CO2 : implications for plants, soil biota, and ecosystem processes / 1995
Comparing the Accuracy of Equation Formats for Modeling Microbial Population Decay Rates. 1992
Ecology and metabolism of plant lipids : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agriculture and Food Chemistry at the 189th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1985 / 1987
Effects of converting sagebrush cover to grass on the hydrology of small watersheds at Boco Mountain, Colorado / 1979
Environment and plant development, 1974
Environment and plant ecology 1975
Environmental requirements of blue-green algae; proceedings of a symposium jointly sponsored by University of Washington and Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Pacific Northwest Water Laboratory, September 23-24, 1966. 1967
Geomorphology and plant ecology of the Shenandoah Valley Waterlick to Strasburg, Virginia, July 20-23, 1989 / 1989
Journal of vegetation science : official organ of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 1990
Mercury in the Environment. A Compilation of Papers on the Abundance, Distribution, and Testing of Mercury in Rocks, Soils, Waters, Plants, and the Atmosphere. 1970
Mill River and Its Floodplain in Northampton and Williamsburg, Massachusetts: A Study of the Vascular Plant Flora, Vegetation, and the Presence of the Bacterial Family Pseudomonadaceae in Relation to Patterns of La nd Use. 1972
Multivariate analysis in vegetation research 1978
Mycorrhiza State of the Art, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Eco-Function, Biotechnology, Eco-Physiology, Structure and Systematics / [electronic resource] : 2008
Physiological plant ecology 1981
Plant ecology 1986
Plant functional types : their relevance to ecosystem properties and global change / 1997
Plant root growth : an ecological perspective / 1991
Plant strategies and vegetation processes 1979
Plants and environment : a textbook of plant autecology 1974
Plants and their atmospheric environment 1981
Plants, people, and environmental quality : a study of plants and their environmental functions / 1972
Prairie plants and their environment : a fifty-year study in the Midwest. 1968
Preliminary Laboratory Research in Experimental Brackish Ecosystems (Recherches Preliminaires en Laboratoire sur des Ecosystems Saumatres Experimentaux). 1974
Responses of plants to environmental stresses 1972
Responses of plants to environmental stresses / 1980
Soil-Mediated Effects of Atmospherically Deposited Sulfur and Nitrogen. 1984
The ecology of mycorrhizae / 1991
The journal of ecology. 1913
Transfer processes in the plant environment 1975
Vascular plant associations on the shores of a Puget Sound saltwater pond 1973
Vegetation of the earth in relation to climate and the eco-physiological conditions / 1973

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