Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Botanical chemistry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Algal physiology and biochemistry / 1974
Aquatic plant chemistry; its application to water pollution control / 1970
Biochemical interaction between plants and insects : {proceedings of the fifteenth annual meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America held on the campus of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, August 1975} 1976
Biochemistry of plants a comprehensive treatise / 1980
Biogeochemical monitoring in small catchments : refereed papers from BIOGEOMON, the Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour: Evaluation of Integrated Monitoring in Small Catchments, held in Prague, Czech Republic, September 18-20, 1993 / 1995
Biomedical perspectives of agglutinins of invertebrate and plant origins. 1974
Biosynthetic pathways in higher plants; proceedings of the Plant Phenolics Group symposium, Leeds, April, 1964. 1965
Biotransformation and chemical form of mercury in plants / 1976
Chemical plant taxonomy. 1963
Chemistry and biochemistry of plant pigments, 1965
Comparative phytochemistry / 1966
Ethylmercury : formation in plant tissues and relation to methylmercury formation / 1978
Fourteenth annual symposium 1995 : current topics in plant biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology: will plants have a role in bioremediation?. 1995
Physicochemical & environmental plant physiology 1999
Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology 2005
Physiology and biochemistry of algae / 1962
Phytochemical ecology: proceedings of the Phytochemical Society Symposium, Royal Holloway College, Englefield Green, Surrey, April 1971; 1972
Phytochemical effects of environmental compounds 1987
Phytochemical phylogeny proceedings of the Phytochemical Society symposium, Bristol, April 1969. 1970
Phytochemistry. 1961
Plant and soil. 1948
Plant biochemistry 1997
Plant biochemistry / 1965
Principles and methods in plant molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics 2003
Progress in phytochemistry. 1968
Recent advances in phytochemistry. 1968
Removal and selective recovery of heavy metal ions from industrial waste waters 1989
The organic constituents of higher plants : their chemistry and interrelationships / 1963
User's guide to the personal computer version of the biogenic emissions inventory system (PC-BEIS) / 1990

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