Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Boilers Efficiency)

Select Item Title Year Published
A field test using coal:dRDF blends in spreader stoker-fired boilers / 1980
A guide to clean and efficient operation of coal-stoker-fired boilers. 1981
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Technical Assessment. Project Summary. 1983
Capital and operating costs for industrial boilers / 1979
Collection efficiencies of stack sampling sytsems for vanadium emissions in flue gases / 1976
Combustion efficiency optimization manual for operators of oil- and gas-fired boilers / 1983
Computer programs for estimating the cost of particulate control equipment / 1984
Cost, energy, and environmental algorithms for NOX, SOX, and PM controls for industrial boilers : final report / 1979
Distributed mixing burner (DMB) engineering design for application to industrial and utility boilers / 1984
Distributed mixing burner (DMB) engineering design for application to industrial and utility boilers / 1984
Efficient boiler operations sourcebook 1985
Emissions and efficiency performance of industrial coal stoker fired boilers / 1982
Emissions and efficiency performance of industrial coal-stoker-fired boilers / 1981
Environmental assessment of a firetube boiler firing coal/oil/water mixtures / 1984
Environmental assessment of a wood-waste-fired industrial watertube boiler / 1987
Environmental assessment of an enhanced oil recovery steam generator equipped with a low-NOx burner / 1986
Environmental assessment of an enhanced oil recovery steam generator equipped with a low-NOx burner / 1986
Environmental assessment of an enhanced oil recovery steam generator equipped with an EPA heavy oil low-NOx burner / 1986
Environmental assessment of an enhanced oil recovery steam generator equipped with an EPA heavy oil low-NOx burner / 1986
Evaluation of PCB destruction efficiency in an industrial boiler / 1981
Evaluation of PCB destruction efficiency in an industrial boiler / 1982
Evaluation of PCB destruction efficiency in an industrial boiler : audit report / 1981
Examination of continuous NOX monitoring of utility boiler emissions and the development of an alternative approach 1972
Facilities evaluation of high efficiency boiler destruction PCB waste / 1981
Guidelines for industrial boiler performance improvement : boiler adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1977
Impact of NOx selective catalytic reduction proceses on flue gas cleaning systems / 1982
Industrial boiler combustion modification NOx controls / 1982
Screening study to obtain information necessary for the development of standards of performance for oil-fired and natural gas-fired boilers <63 x 106 Kcal/hr input (<250 x 106 Btu/hr Input) : final report / 1976
Synopsis : evaluation of PCB destruction efficiency in an industrial boiler / 1980
Technical assistance in support of permitting activities for the thermal destruction of PCBs / 1982

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