Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bodensanierung)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bioremediation of pollutants in soil and water / 1995
Environmental restoration of metals-contaminated soils / 2001
Fundamentals of hazardous waste site remediation / 1999
Groundwater and subsurface remediation : research strategies for in-situ technologies / 1996
Handbook of vadose zone characterization & monitoring / 1995
In situ treatment technology / 2001
In situ treatment technology / 1996
Innovative subsurface remediation : field testing of physical, chemical, and characterization technologies / 1999
International experience in remediation of contaminated sites synopsis, evaluation and assessment of the applicability of methods and concepts ; report 1995
Natural and enhanced remediation systems / 2002
Phytoremediation of toxic metals : using plants to clean up the environment / 2000
Phytoremediation, wetlands, and sediments / 2001
Practical design calculations for groundwater and soil remediation / 1999
Reclamation of contaminated land / 2004
Remediation technologies for soils and groundwater / 2007
Wiley's remediation technologies handbook : major contaminant chemicals and chemical groups / 2004

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