Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Blue Ridge Mountains)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessing the Regional Effects of Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry: The Southern Blue Ridge (Journal Version). 1988
Direct/delayed response project : future effects of long-term sulfur deposition on surface water chemistry in the Northeast and southern Blue Ridge province / 1989
Direct/Delayed Response Project: Mid-Appalachian Soil Correlation and Sampling Class Development Workshop. Held in Corvallis, Oregon on August 22-25, 1988. 1990
Ecoregions of Tennessee. 1997
Geographic information system documentation of watershed data for Direct/Delayed Response Project, Southern Blue Ridge Province database / 1989
Habitat suitability index model for brook trout in streams of the southern Blue Ridge province : surrogate variables, model evaluation, and suggested improvements / 1993
Level III and IV ecoregions of Pennsylvania and the Blue Ridge Mountains, ridge and valley, and central Appalachians of EPA region 3 1995
Level III and IV ecoregions of Pennsylvania and the Blue Ridge Mountains, the central Appalachian Ridge and valley, and the central Appalachians of Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland / 1996
Maps of runoff in the northeastern region and the southern Blue Ridge province of the United States during selected periods in 1983-85 / 1987
The Southern Appalachians : a changing world / 2006
The Southern Appalachians : a changing world / 2006
Valley and ridge and Blue Ridge traverse, central Virginia Leesburg to Lynchburg, Virginia July 2-8, 1989 / 1989

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