Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Sediment quality of the NY/NJ harbor system : Final report / 1998
Sediment Quality of the NY/NJ Harbor System: A 5-Year Revisit: 1993/4-1998. Final Report. An Investigation under the Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (REMAP). 2003
Sensitivity of coastal environments to spilled oil, Southern California 1999
Sensitivity of Vertebrate Embryos to Heavy Metals as a Criterion of Water Quality-Phase I. 1973
Sensitivity of Vertebrate Embryos to Heavy Metals as a Criterion of Water Quality. 1973
Sex determination of eagles, owls, and herons by analyzing plasma steroid hormones 1973
Sheboygan River and Harbor: Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment. 1998
Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest 1993
Smoothing of Breeding Bird Survey Data to Produce National Biodiversity Estimates. 1996
Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area management plan 1995
So cranes may dance a rescue from the brink of extinction / 1993
Southern Illinois birds : an annotated list and site guide / 1996
Spatially realistic population model for informing forest management decisions 1999
Species-Habitat Relationships among Antarctic Seabirds: A Function of Physical or Biological Factors. 1993
Spotted owl presence in managed forests of southwestern Washington / 1991
St. Marys River, Michigan: An Ecological Profile. 1987
State of Australia's birds 2004 : water, wetlands, and birds / 2004
State of the Chesapeake Bay: Second Annual Monitoring Report, Compendium. 1987
Status and management of Neotropical migratory birds : September 21-25, 1992, Estes Park Center, YMCA of the Rockies, Colorado / 1993
Status and management of Neotropical migratory birds : September 21-25, 1992, Estes Park Center, YMCA of the Rockies, Colorado / 1993
Status and trends of selected living resources in the Galveston Bay system 1992
Status and Trends of Selected Living Resources in the Galveston Bay System. 1992
Status of the American eider with special reference to northern New England 1992
Status of the marbled murrelet in North America with special emphasis on population in California, Oregon, and Washington / 1988
Status of Wading Bird Populations of the Hillsborough River Watershed. 2003
Status, Trends, and Conservation of Eelgrass in Atlantic Canada and the Northeastern United States. Report of a Workshop Held February 24-25, 2009 at Regency Hotel, Portland, Maine. 2009
Stokes field guide to birds Western region / 1996
Studies of the avifauna on Amchitka Island, Alaska annual progress report June, 1968-July, 1969 / 1969
Studies on the Delayed Neurotoxicity of Tributyl Phosphate with Cover Letter dated 081586. 1986
Summer ecology of the lark bunting : Pawnee site / 1969
Support: Cresyl Diphenyl Phosphate Neurotoxic Esterase Assay in Hens with Cover Letter dated 07/01/1996. 1996
Support: Tricresyl Phosphate/DURAD 125L-Acute Delayed Neurotoxicity Study in Hends, with Cover Letter Dated 08/24/1995. 1995
Surface Waters Component of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP): An Overview. 1992
Synergistic effects of DDE and food stress on reproduction in brown pelicans and ringdoves / 1978
Synthesis and evaluation of avian populations and habitat data for West Virginia 1981
Synthesis report : laboratory test methods for exposure of birds to microbial pest control agents / 1990
Technical manual for basic version of the Markov chain nest productivity model (MCnest) / 2013
Techniques for shipboard surveys of marine birds / 1989
Temporal Variation in the Diets of California Quail in Western Oregon. 1993
Terrestrial flora and fauna in the vicinity of the Delmarva Power and Light Station proposed expansion site / by Marie Van Deusen and Robert G. Otto. 1979
Terrestrial vertebrates of tidal marshes : evolution, ecology, and conservation / 2006
Tests of a habitat suitability model for black-capped chickadees / 1990
Texas colonial waterbird census summary. 0
The 50-mile ballast-oil dumping prohibited zone off Alaska reconsidered in the light of available data gleaned from significant incidents / 1970
The atlas of breeding birds of Michigan / 1991
The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds / 1980
The birds and birders of Beaverhills Lake / 1979
The birds of America / 1962
The birds of Illinois / 1989
The dynamics of an estuary as a natural ecosystem / 1977
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