Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bioventing)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Citizen's guide to bioventing. 1992
Abstracts of remediation case studies / 1995
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 2 / 1997
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : In situ SVE-based systems for free product recovery and residual hydrocarbon removal / 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Diagnostic Evaluation of In situ SVE-Based System Performance. 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: In situ SVE-Based Systems for Free Product Recovery and Residual Hydrocarbon Removal. 1996
Bioremediation field evaluation. Hill Air Force Base, Utah. 1997
Bioslurping / 1996
Bioventing Forum and Site Demonstration, Hill Air Force Base, Utah 1995
Estimation of air impacts for bioventing systems used at Superfund sites. 1993
Groundwater remediation for UST sites : in situ bioventing combined with low flow air sparging (biosparging). 1993
Guia del ciudadano : La bioventilacion. 1992
Guide for conducting treatability studies under CERCLA : biodegradation remedy selection : interim guidance. 1993
How to evaluate alternative cleanup technologies for underground storage tank sites : a guide for corrective action plan reviewers / 1995
Innovative uses of compost : bioremediation and pollution prevention. 1997
Interstate technology and regulatory cooperation work group (ITRC) In Situ Bioremediation Work Team, Closure Criteria Focus Group, FY-97 report, final / 1998
Michigan soil vapor extraction remediation (MISER) model: a computer program to model soil vapor extraction and bioventing of organic chemicals in unsaturated geological material / 1997
Principles and practices of bioslurping 2001
Principles and practices of bioventing / 1995
RCRA corrective action stabilization technologies : proceedings. 1992
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Merck and Company, Inc. 2005
Remediation case studies : bioremediation / 1995
Remediation case studies : bioremediation and vitrification : volume 5 / 1997
Remediation case studies : soil vapor extraction / 1995
Remediation case studies : soil vapor extraction and other in situ technologies : volume 6 / 1997
Seminars on bioremediation of hazardous waste sites : practical approaches to implementation. 1996
Seminars on bioremediation of hazardous waste sites : practical approaches to implementation. 1993
Soil bioventing : principles and practice / 1997
Soil remediation for UST sites : in situ bioremediation : bioventing. 1993
Tech Trends: The Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, March 1995. 1995

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