Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bioterrorism)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Actions for survival : saving lives in the immediate hours after release of radioactive or other toxic agents / 2011
Agricultural bioterrorism : a federal strategy to meet the threat / 2002
American anthrax : fear, crime, and the investigation of the nation's deadliest bioterror attack / 2011
Anthrax : a practical guide for citizens : what you should know, what you can do, & how it came to this : a compilation of public materials intended to serve as a practical citizen's guide / 2001
Anthrax : federal agencies have taken some steps to validate sampling methods and to develop a next-generation anthrax vaccine : testimony before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives / 2006
Anthrax : remediating the effects of bioterrorism / 2002
Anthrax : what every clinician should know / 2001
Anthrax : what every clinician should know. Part II / 2001
Anthrax detection : agencies need to validate sampling activities in order to increase confidence in negative results : testimony before the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, House Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives / 2005
Anthrax detection : agencies need to validate sampling activities in order to increase confidence in negative results : testimony before the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, House Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives / 2005
Anthrax remediating the effects of bioterrorism / [CD-ROM] : 2002
Assessing the biological weapons and bioterrorism threat 2005
Assessing the risk from biological threats : a government/academia partnership for Homeland Security. 2006
Biodefense : research methodology and animal models / 2006
BioDex system. 2002
Biological and chemical terrorism : a guide for healthcare providers and first responders / 2003
Biological science and biotechnology in Russia : controlling diseases and enhancing security / 2006
Biological terrorism : responding to the threat : a personal safety manual / 2001
Biological threats and terrorism : assessing the science and response capabilities : workshop summary / 2002
Biosecurity and bioterrorism : containing and preventing biological threats / 2016
Biotechnology research in an age of terrorism 2004
Bioterror / 2002
Bioterror in the 21st century : emerging threats in a new global environment / 2009
Bioterrorism : a guide for facility managers / 2005
Bioterrorism : federal research and preparedness activities : report to congressional committees / 2001
Bioterrorism : guidelines for medical and public health management / 2002
Bioterrorism : information on jurisdictions' expenditure and reported obligation of program funds : report to Congressional requestors / 2005
Bioterrorism : information technology strategy could strengthen federal agencies' abilities to respond to public health emergencies : report to congessional requesters / 2003
Bioterrorism : preparedness varied across state and local jurisdictions : report to congressional committees / 2003
Bioterrorism and public health : an Internet resource guide / 2002
Bioterrorism readiness and response volume II : a biological, chemical, and nuclear disaster planning sourcebook for the health care system. 2003
Bioterrorism, preparedness, attack and response 2004
BioWatch and public health surveillance : evaluating systems for the early detection of biological threats / 2011
BioWatch PCR assays : building confidence, ensuring reliability / Committee on PCR Standards for the BioWatch Program, Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies. 2015
Breathing easier ? 2004
Capitol Hill anthrax incident : EPA's cleanup was successful : opportunities exist to enhance contract oversight : report to the chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate / 2003
CDC bioterrorism update : smallpox preparedness : issues for clinicians / 2002
CDC responds : bioterrorism and the healthcare epidemiology/infection control community / 2001
CDC responds : risk communication and bioterrorism / 2001
Challenges faced during the Environmental Protection Agency's response to anthrax and recommendations for enhancing responses capabilities : a lessons learned report / 2002
Chemical agents of opportunity for terrorism : preparedness and response : April 8, 2004, EPA Region VII Building, Kansas City, Kansas / 2004
Chemical agents of opportunity for terrorism : the medical consequences of TICs (toxic industrial chemicals) and TIMs (toxic industrial materials) : Thursday, November 17, 2005, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, U.S. EPA - Region 9, 75 Hawthorne St., San Francisco, CA 94105 / 2005
Chemical-biological terrorism : awareness and response to threat : based on the technical forum held during the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, 2001 / 2002
Clinical diagnosis and management of anthrax : lessons learned / 2001
Clinical laboratory bioterrorism readiness plan 2003
Compendium of prior and current microbial risk assessment methods for use as a basis for the selection, development, and testing of a preliminary microbial risk assessment framework / {electronic resource} : 2007
Complete guide to biological, chemical, and nuclear terrorism. 2001
Conference schedule 2010
Countering agricultural bioterrorism 2003
Countering biological terrorism in the U.S. : an understanding of issues and status / 1999
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