Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bioremediation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1995 Rocky Mountain Symposium on Environmental Issues in Oil and Gas Operations : practical solutions for the '90's : proceedings : Golden, Colorado, USA, October 16-18, 1995 / 1995
1999 bioremediation research program review. 1999
A citizen's guide to bioremediation. 1996
A citizen's guide to bioremediation. 2012
A citizen's guide to bioremediation. 2001
A citizen's guide to soil vapor extraction and air sparging. 1996
A citizen's guide to soil washing. 1992
A citizen's guide to using indigenous and exogenous microorganisms in bioremediation. 1992
A systematic approach to in situ bioremediation in groundwater : including decision trees on in situ bioremediation for nitrates, carbon tetrachloride, and perchlorate / 2002
Abstracts of remediation case studies / 1995
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 2 / 1997
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 3 / 1998
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 8 / 2004
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 9 / 2005
Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Volume 10. Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable. 2006
Accelerated bioremediation of chlorinated compounds in groundwater : selected Battelle Conference papers 1999-2000 / 2000
Accelerated bioremediation using slow release compounds : selected Battelle conference papers, 1993-1999 / 1999
Accelerated bioremediation using slow release compounds : selected Battelle conference papers, 1995-1999 / 2000
Accelerated bioremediation with slow release electron donors and electron acceptors : selected Battelle conference papers 2001-2002 / 2003
Acoma : people of the white rock. 2002
Advances in biodegradation and bioremediation of industrial waste / 2015
Air sparging for site remediation 1994
Air sparging guidance document : final. 2001
Alaskan oil spill bioremediation project. 1989
Alaskan oil spill bioremediation project. Update. 1990
An analysis of composting as an environmental remediation technology. 1998
An SAB report : review of bioremediation research program strategy : review of the Office of Research and Development's Bioremediation Research Program strategy. 1992
Anaerobic biodegradation of BTEX in aquifer material / 1997
Anaerobic degradation of chlorinated solvents : the Sixth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 / 2001
Anaerobic dehalogenation and its environmental implications / 1993
Anaerobic dehalogenation and its environmental implications : project summary / 1993
Application of Luminescence to the Field Screening of Chemical Contaminants in the Environment. 1995
Applications of New Technologies at Hazardous Waste Sites. 1995
Applied bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons / 1995
Applied biotechnology for site remediation / 1994
Approach to bioremediation of contaminated soil / 1990
Arctic Foundations, Inc. freeze barrier technology : innovative technology evaluation report. 2004
Assessing Risks from GMOs to Ecosystems and Human Health. 1996
Basic concepts in environmental biotechnology / 2022
Bench-scale evaluation of bioremediation for the treatment of sediments from the Ashtabula, Buffalo, Saginaw, and Sheboygan Rivers : Final report / 1996
Beneficial effects of vegetation in contaminated soils. 1992
Bibliography for innovative site clean-up technologies : September 1996 update. 1996
Bioaugmentation for site remediation / 1995
Bioaugmentation with Burkholderia cepacia PR1301 for in situ bioremediation of trichloroethylene contaminated water / 1998
Bioaugmentation, biobarriers, and biogeochemistry : the Sixth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium : San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 / 2001
Bioavailability, leachability, chemical speciation, and bioremediation of heavy metals in the process of composting / 2018
Biodegradation and bioremediation / 2004
Biodegradation and bioremediation / 1994
Biodegradation and bioremediation / 1999
Biodegradation of hydrocarbons as a remediation method for petroleum contaminants in the environment or as a treatment method for petroleum wastes : a review and analysis of recent field study literature / 1990
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