Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 41
Showing: Items 1 - 41
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biomarkers)

Select Item Title Year Published
Adduction of Nitroaromatic Compounds with Blood Proteins and DNA as Biological Markers of Exposure. 1997
Amoco/Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia. Ecological Impacts of the Yorktown Refinery on the York River Estuarine Environment. 1992
An SAB report : human exposure assessment : a guide to risk ranking, risk reduction, and research planning / 1995
An SAB report: Human exposure assessment : a guide to risk ranking, risk reduction, and research planning / 1995
Announcement request for applications HLT-01-92 biomarkers of toxic pollutants in human health. 1992
Application of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology / 1997
Biologic markers in immunotoxicology / 1992
Biologic markers in immunotoxicology / 1992
Biologic markers in pulmonary toxicology / 1989
Biologic markers in reproductive toxicology / 1989
Biological monitoring : theory & applications : bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment / 2008
Biomarkers for agrochemicals and toxic substances : applications and risk assessment / 1996
Biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention / 2001
Biomarkers of Environmental Health and Safety Risks to Children for Use in a Longitudinal Cohort Study: Update. Final Report. 2004
Biomarkers of environmentally associated disease : technologies, concepts, and perspectives / 2002
Biomarkers of Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution in the Czech Republic. 2000
Biomarkers of human exposure to pesticides : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 204th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, August 23-28, 1992 / 1994
Biomonitoring: An Exposure Science Tool for Exposure and Risk Assessment. 2012
Characteristics of spilled oils, fuels, and petroleum products : 1. composition and properties of selected oils / 2003
Clearing the smoke : assessing the science base for tobacco harm reduction / 2001
Computational systems pharmacology and toxicology / 2017
Computational toxicology / 2012
Decision Model for Biomarkers of Exposure. 1991
Determination of Reactive Oxygen Species Activity in PM and Enhanced Exposure Assessment for the NIH, NIEHS Study Entitled: Ultrafine Particiulate Matter and Cardiorespiratory Health. 2009
Differences in Inflammatory Responses to Exposures of Concentrated Ambient Particles in Susceptible Volunteers. 2010
Ecotoxicological Principles for Avian Field Studies Using Radiotelemetry or Remote Sensing. 1993
EPA Priorities for Biologic Markers Research in Environmental Health. 1992
Feasibility of Estimating Pesticide Exposure and Dose in Children Using Biological Measurements. 2006
Human Health Research Program Multi-Year Plan. FY 2006-2013. 2006
Important Exposure Factors for Children: Analysis of Laboratory and Observational Field Data Characterizing Cumulative Exposure to Pesticides. 2007
Mechanisms of toxicity and biomarkers to assess adverse effects of chemicals : proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Health and Environment, 25-30 September, 1994, Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma), Italy / 1995
Metabonomics in toxicity assessment / 2005
ORD health biomarkers program : research strategy document / 1991
Ostrava Human Exposure and Biomarker Study. 1997
PFOA and Immune Biomarkers in Adults Exposed to PFOA in Drinking Water in the Mid Ohio Valley. 2009
Pilot Study for Measuring Environmental Exposures from Agricultural Applications of Pesticides: An Overview. 1993
Proposed guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment. 1996
Role of Inhaled Particles in the Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease. 2010
Summary and analysis of available air toxics : health effects data. 1995
The biomarker guide / 2005
Validation of Signature Polarlipid Fatty Acid Biomarkers for Alkane-Utilizing Bacteria in Soils and Subsurface Aquifer Materials. 1989

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