Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biologie)

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Select Item Title Year Published
<> families and genera of marine gammaridean Amphipoda (except marine gammaroids) 1991
A check list of the biota of lower Chesapeake Bay : with inclusions from the upper bay and the Virginian Sea / 1972
A dictionary of biology. 2000
A dictionary of ecology, evolution, and systematics / 1998
A plague of rats and rubbervines : the growing threat of species invasions / 2002
A treatise on limnology / 1957
Advances in marine biology. 1963
African biogeography, climate change & human evolution / 1999
Air pollution effects on biodiversity / 1992
Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome, and aging / 1982
American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology : an official journal of the American Thoracic Society, medical section of the American Lung Association. 1989
Amphibian metamorphosis : from morphology to molecular biology / 2000
Anatomy of the cell / 1966
Anion and proton transport / 1980
Annals of applied biology. 1915
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics. 2003
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics. 2003
Annual review of plant biology. 2002
Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology. 1988
Aquatic botany. 1975
Biochemical adaptation to environmental change : Biochemical Society Symposium no. 41, held at the University of Liverpool, July 1975 / 1976
Biodiversity / 1988
Biogeochemistry of Gulf of Mexico estuaries / 1999
Bioinformatics and systems biology : collaborative research and resources / 2008
Bioinformatics methods and protocols / 2000
Biological abstracts. 1926
Biological and oceanographical survey of the Santa Barbara Channel oil spill, 1969-1970. 1971
Biological clocks in marine organisms: the control of physiological and behavioral tidal rhythms 1974
Biological effects of low level exposures to chemicals and radiation / 1992
Biological evolution / 1996
Biological invasions 1999
Biological invasions : economic and environmental costs of alien plant, animal, and microbe species / 2002
Biological mass spectrometry. 1991
Biological surveys of estuaries and coasts / 1987
Biology and geology of coral reefs. 1973
Biology data book / 1972
Biology data book / 1964
Biology of brackish water, 1971
Biology of fresh waters / 1990
Biology of freshwater pollution / 1991
Biology of reproduction. 1969
Bioluminescence methods and protocols / 1998
Biomembranes. Part A / 1974
Biomembranes. Part B / 1974
Biophysics / 2001
Bioregulators of reproduction 1981
BioScience. 1964
Biostatistics with R : an introduction to statistics through biological data / 2012
Bivalve seashells of tropical west America : marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru / 2012
Carbon isotope techniques / 1991
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