Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 145
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biological communities)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 atlas of Chesapeake Bay Basin biological and living resources long term monitoring programs 1997
A review of single species toxicity tests : are the tests reliable predictors of aquatic ecosystem community responses? / 1999
Air pollution effects of biodiversity / 1992
An assessment of sediments from the Upper Mississippi River : final report - June 1997. 1997
An introduction to Mid-Atlantic seasonal pools / 2005
Analysis and Interpretation of Zooplankton Samples Collected during Phase 2 of the Eastern Lake Survey. 1992
Aquatic and terrestrial resources of the Kenai River watershed : a synthesis of publications / 1997
Aquatic habitat indicators and their application to water quality objectives within the Clean Water Act / 1999
Benthic Infauna of Tampa Bay, Summer 1993. A Technical Data Report. 1995
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities at Maryland's Core/Trend Monitoring Stations: Water Quality Status and Trends. 2009
Bioindicators for assessing ecological integrity of prairie wetlands / 1996
Biological characterization of the Middle Fork Anderson River, Perry County, Indiana / 1997
Biological criteria : technical guidance for streams and small rivers / 1996
Biological Criteria: Technical Guidance for Streams and Small Rivers. 1993
Chesapeake Bay benthic community restoration goals / 1994
Chesapeake Bay Introduction to an Ecosystem. 2000
CLCA 2004 Land Conservation Technical Assistance. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2005
Comparison of the Effects of Drilling Fluid on Macrobenthic Invertebrates Associated with the Seagrass, 'Thalassia testudinum', in the Laboratory and Field. 1992
Conceptual Model of the Galveston Bay Ecosystem. 1993
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 1. 1996
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 2. Current Status and Historical Trends of Avian Resources in the CCBNEP Study Area (IV.C.3 Avian Resources). 1996
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 3. Project Summary. 1996
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 4. Checklist of Species within the CCBNEP Study Area: References, Habitats, Distribution, and Abundance. 1996
Delaware Estuary Monitoring Report: Covering Monitoring Developments and Data Collected or Reported during 1999 - 2003. 2004
Development and application of assessment protocols for determining the ecological condition of wetlands in the Juniata river watershed : environmental monitoring and assessment program / 1999
Development of IBI Metrics for Lakes in Southern New England. 1997
Development of index of biotic integrity expectations for the ecoregions of Indiana : II. Huron-Erie Lake Plain / 1994
Development of index of biotic integrity expectations for the ecoregions of Indiana, I. Central corn belt plain / 1991
Diamondback Track (Formerly Brackins Tract) Shoreline Restoration. 1992 Action Plan Demonstration Project. 1996
Ecological functions of off-channel habitat, Willamette River, Oregon : final research plan / 1997
Ecosystem stress from chronic exposure to low levels of nitrate / 2005
Effect of riparian areas on the ecological condition of small, perennial streams in agricultural landscapes of the Willamette Valley {Microfiche} 1997
Effects of Flow Augmentation on Channel Morphology and Riparian Vegetation in the Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado. 1997
Environmental Impact Statement: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge. Part 1. Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Dane County, Wisconsin. 1978
Environmental monitoring and assessment program--surface waters : field operations manual for lakes / 1997
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Technical Report: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Volume 2. Executive Summary: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
EPA's contaminated sediment management strategy / 1998
EPA's contaminated sediment management strategy : fact sheet. 1998
Episodic acidification occurrence, causes and significance to aquatic resources / 1998
Evaluation of low order stream quality in central Iowa / 1997
Evaluation of watershed quality in the Minnesota River basin / 1994
Evaluation of watershed quality in the Saginaw River Basin / 1996
Examination of the Effects of Habitat Quality, Land Use, and Acidification on the Macroinvertebrate Communities of Coastal Plain Streams. 1996
Example environmental assessment program for estuaries / 1991
Example environmental assessment report for estuaries / 1991
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Patuxent Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 1983
Fish and Chemistry Data for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Report (for Microcomputers). 1990
Fish Communities in Lakes in Subregion 2B (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) in Relation to Lake Acidity. Volume 1 and Volume 2: Appendices. Data Tape Documentation. 1990
Florida's Inshore Marine Monitoring and Assessment Program (MAP). Annual Report, Year Two. 2001
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