Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biological Warfare United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Agricultural bioterrorism : a federal strategy to meet the threat / 2002
Biological and chemical terrorism : a guide for healthcare providers and first responders / 2003
Bioterror / 2002
Bioterrorism : information technology strategy could strengthen federal agencies' abilities to respond to public health emergencies : report to congessional requesters / 2003
BioWatch and public health surveillance : evaluating systems for the early detection of biological threats / 2011
Chemical and biological defense : Army and Marine Corps need to establish minimum training tasks and improve reporting for combat training centers / 2005
Chemical and biological defense : DOD needs consistent policies and clear processes to address the survivability of weapon systems against chemical and biological threats / 2006
Chemical and biological defense : DOD needs to continue to collect and provide information on tests and potentially exposed personnel : report to the Senate and House committees on Armed Services / 2004
Chemical and biological defense : improved risk assessment and inventory management are needed : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Military Readiness, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / 2001
Compendium of prior and current microbial risk assessment methods for use as a basis for the selection, development, and testing of a preliminary microbial risk assessment framework / {electronic resource} : 2007
Germs : biological weapons and America's secret war / 2001
Giving full measure to countermeasures : addressing problems in the DOD program to develop medical countermeasures against biological warfare agents / 2004
Measuring and evaluating local preparedness for a chemical or biological terrorist attack / 2002
Nanoscience and nanotechnology for chemical and biological defense / 2009
Naval forces' defense capabilities against chemical and biological warfare threats 2004
Ready or not : findings and recommendations of the APHL Chemical Terrorism Project. 2003
Science Advisory Board's Homeland Security Advisory Committee consultation on the EPA's Emergency Consequence Assessment Tool and Incident-based Microbial Risk Assessment Framework : a report of the U.S. EPA Science Advisory Board / 2007
Sensor systems for biological agent attacks : protecting buildings and military bases / 2005
Tracking and predicting the atmospheric dispersion of hazardous material releases : implications for homeland security / 2003
USAMRIID's medical management of biological casualties handbook 2004
USAMRIID's medical management of biological casualties handbook / 2005
War next time : countering rogue states and terrorists armed with chemical and biological weapons / 2004

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