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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biological Transport)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alpha Methylglucoside Transport by the Gill of the Oyster 'Ostrea edulis'. 1981
Aluminum Alters Calcium Transport in Plasma Membrane and Endoplasmic Reticulum from Rat Brain. 1994
Anion and proton transport / 1980
Bacterial transport 1978
Bacteriophage Transport in Sandy Soil and Fractured Tuff. 1989
Bicarbonate, chloride, and proton transport systems 1989
Bioenergetics an introduction to the chemiosmotic theory / 1982
Bioenergetics. 2013
Bioinorganic chemistry-II : a symposium co-sponsored by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry and by the Division of Biological Chemistry at the 171st meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, N.Y., April 7-9, 1976 / 1977
Biological transport of radiotracers 1982
Calcium transport and cell function / 1978
Carriers and channels in biological systems 1975
Cell membrane transport principles and techniques / 1975
Comparison of Seasonal Patterns of Photosynthate Production and Use in Branches of Red Spruce Saplings at Two Elevations. 1991
Current topics in membranes and transport. 1970
Developing synthetic transport systems / 2013
Dissipative transport processes / 1971
Effect of Ambient Levels of Power-Line-Frequency Electric Fields on a Developing Vertebrate (Journal Version). 1988
Effects of p-Xylene Inhalation on Axonal Transport in the Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells. 1989
Effects of Selected Neuroactive Chemicals on Calcium Transporting Systems in Rat Cerebellum and on Survival of Cerebellar Granule Cells. 1993
Environmental Impacts on the Physiological Mechanisms Controlling Xenobiotic Transfer Across Fish Gills. 1991
Exposure of Frog Hearts to CW or Amplitude-Modulated VHF Fields: Selective Efflux to Calcium Ions at 16 Hz. 1990
Fate of Selected Herbicides in a Terrestrial Laboratory Microcosm. 1981
Fate of Tn5 Mutants of Root Growth-Inhibiting 'Pseudomonas' sp. in Intact Soil-Core Microcosms. 1989
Fourth Colloquium in Biological Sciences blood-brain transfer / 1988
Gene Expression in Pre-Implantation Mammalian Embryos. 1992
Hormonal regulation of epithelial transport of ions and water 1981
In-situ aquifer restoration of chlorinated aliphatics by methanotrophic bacteria / 1989
In-situ bioremediation of trichloroethylene using Burkholderia cepacia G4 PR1 : analysis of transport parameters for risk assessment / 1998
Intestinal Survival, Competition and Translocation of Biotechnology Agents on Intranasal Exposure of C3H/HeJ Mice. 1994
Ion transport in prokaryotes 1987
Locally Synthesized Phosphatidylcholine, but Not Protein, Undergoes Rapid Retrograde Axonal Transport in the Rat Sciatic Nerve. 1993
Membrane biochemistry a laboratory manual on transport and bioenergetics / 1979
Membrane biophysics / 2012
Membrane proteins and their interactions with lipids 1977
Membrane transport : a practical approach / 2000
Membrane transport driven by ion gradients / 1985
Membrane transport in biology 1978
Membranes and ion transport, 1970
Membranes and transport 1982
Membranous Labyrinth in Baculovirus-Infected Crustacean Cells: Possible Roles in Viral Reproduction. 1989
Methoxychlor Accelerates Embryo Transport through the Rat Reproductive Tract. 1989
Microbial water stress physiology : principles and perspectives / 1990
Microorganisms and minerals / 1977
Molecular basis of biological transport proceedings of the Miami winter symposia, January 10-11, 1972, 1972
Molecular biology and function of carrier proteins 1993
Molecular biology and toxicology of metals 2000
Molecular mechanisms of water transport across biological membranes / 2002
Mucociliary Clearance of Inhaled Particles Measured at 2 h after Ozone Exposure in Humans. 1991
New insights into cell and membrane transport processes 1986
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