Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biological Markers)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Application of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology / 1997
Application of Biomarkers to Predict Responses of Organisms Exposed to Contaminated Marine Sediments. 1990
Approaches for Measuring Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in Bacteria. 1993
Arsenic in drinking water / 1999
Assessment of Neurotoxicity: Use of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein as a Biomarker. 1991
Biochemical and Biological Markers: Implications for Epidemiologic Studies. 1989
Biologic markers in immunotoxicology / 1992
Biologic markers in immunotoxicology / 1992
Biologic markers in pulmonary toxicology 1989
Biologic markers in pulmonary toxicology / 1989
Biologic markers in reproductive toxicology / 1989
Biologic Markers in Reproductive Toxicology. 1989
Biologic markers in urinary toxicology 1995
Biologic Markers of Air-Pollution Stress and Damage in Forests. 1989
Biological markers in epidemiology 1990
Biological Variability and the Influence of Stress on Cholinesterase Activity. 1990
Biomarkers : biochemical, physiological, and histological markers of anthropogenic stress / 1992
Biomarkers : in medicine, drug discovery, and environmental health / 2010
Biomarkers and occupational health : progress and perspectives / 1995
Biomarkers and risk assessment : concepts and principles. 1993
Biomarkers for agrochemicals and toxic substances : applications and risk assessment / 1996
Biomarkers in risk assessment : validity and validation / 2001
Biomarkers in toxicology / 2014
Biomarkers of Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution in the Czech Republic. 2000
Biomarkers of human exposure to pesticides : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 204th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, August 23-28, 1992 / 1994
Biomarkers of Inflammation in Ozone-Exposed Humans: Comparison of the Nasal and Bronchoalveolar Lavage. 1989
Biomarkers research and application in the assessment of environmental health / 1993
Biomonitors and biomarkers as indicators of environmental change : a handbook / 1995
Briefing papers for task 1-17 : biomarkers and peer review panel / 1986
Clearing the smoke : assessing the science base for tobacco harm reduction / 2001
Computational toxicology / 2012
Cytology and Biochemistry of Brown Cells in 'Crassostrea virginica' Collected at Clean and Contaminated Stations. 1991
Deletion Mutations in the hprt Gene of T-Lymphocytes as a Biomarker for Genomic Rearrangements Important in Human Cancers. 1994
Determination of hemoglobin adducts following acrylamide exposure : project summary / 1994
Dioxins and dibenzofurans in adipose tissue of U.S. Vietnam veterans and controls / 1990
DNA Adducts as Biomarkers for Assessing Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Tissues from Xuan Wei Women with High Exposure to Coal Combustion Emissions and High Lung Cancer Mortality. 1993
DNA Alterations (Chapter 3). 1992
Enhanced Expression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and the Cupric Silver Degeneration Reaction Can Be Used as Sensitive and Early Indicators of Neurotoxicity. 1991
Environmental tobacco smoke : measuring exposures and assessing health effects / 1986
EPA Perspective on Biomarkers Research: How Do You Get There from Here. 1990
EPA Priorities for Biologic Markers Research in Environmental Health. 1992
Evaluation of exposure markers final report / 1990
Exposure Assessment Methodologies for Humans and Ecosystems. 1994
Final report for task 1-17 : biomarkers and peer review panel / 1986
Guidelines for reproductive toxicity risk assessment. 1996
Guidelines for reproductive toxicity risk assessment. 1996
Guidelines for reproductive toxicity risk assessment. 1996
Histopathologic Biomarkers (Chapter 3). 1992
Human biomonitoring for environmental chemicals / 2006
Human variability in response to chemical exposures : measures, modeling, and risk assessment / 1998
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