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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biogeochemical cycles)

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Select Item Title Year Published
African savannas and the global atmosphere : research agenda : report of a joint IGBP/START/IGAC/GCTE/GAIM/DIS workshop on African savannas, land use and global change : interactions of climate, productivity and emissions, 2-5 June 1993, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe / 1994
Algae and element cycling in wetlands / 1995
Analysis of biogeochemical cycling processes in Walker Branch Watershed / 1989
Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs 1985
Baywide Nutrient Cycling (Denitrification) Monitoring Program-In situ loggers : progress report no. 38 (October-December 2011) / 2012
Biogeochemical processes at the land-sea boundary 1986
Biogeochemistry of estuaries / 2007
Biogeochemistry of Gulf of Mexico estuaries / 1999
Biogeochemistry of Gulf of Mexico estuaries / 1999
Biogeochemistry of trace metals / 1992
Biogeochemistry of wetlands : science and applications / 2008
Biogeochemistry of wetlands science and applications / [electronic resource] : 2008
Biological processes and wastes in the ocean 1987
Changes in a California estuary : a profile of Elkhorn Slough / 2002
Chemical environment 1977
Chemical processes in lakes / 1985
Chemistry of marine water and sediments / 2002
Coastal ocean fluxes and resources 1990
Cycles of soil : carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, micronutrients / 1986
Dimethylsulphide : oceans, atmosphere, and climate : proceedings of the international symposium held in Belgirate, Italy, 13-15 October 1992 / 1993
Earth system science : from biogeochemical cycles to global change / 2000
Environmental biogeochemistry : proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry organized by the Canada Centre for Inland Waters and co-sponsored by UNESCO ... [et al.] / 1976
Environmental chemistry and cycling processes : proceedings of a symposium held at Augusta, Georgia, April 28-May 1, 1976 / 1978
Environmental chemistry of lakes and reservoirs / 1994
Environmental microbe-metal interactions / 2000
Eutrophication in planktonic ecosystems : food web dynamics and elemental cycling : proceedings of the Fourth International PELAG Symposium, held in Helsinki, Finland, 26-30 August 1996 / 1998
Exchange of trace gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere, Berlin 1989, February 19-24 / 1989
Flows of energy and materials in marine ecosystems : theory and practice / 1984
Geochemical partitioning and bioavailability of trace metals in marine sediments project completion report, OWRR Project N. A-044-ORE-W73, October 1, 1977 - September 31, 1979 / 1980
Geosphere-biosphere interactions and climate / 2001
Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system / 2001
Global biogeochemical cycles. 1987
Global wetland distribution and functional characterization : trace gases and the hydrologic cycle : report from the Joint GAIM, BAHC, IGBP-DIS, IGAC, and LUCC Workshop, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 16-20 May 1996 / 1998
Interactions between macro- and microorganisms in marine sediments 2005
Interactions between sediments and water / 1995
Interactions of C, N, P, and S biogeochemical cycles and global change 1993
Interactions of the major biogeochemical cycles : global change and human impacts / 2003
Major biogeochemical cycles and their interactions 1983
Mineral cycling in southeastern ecosystems : proceedings of a symposium held at Augusta, Georgia, May 1-3, 1974 / 1975
Modelling the transport and transformation of terrestrial materials to freshwater and coastal ecosystems : workshop report : recommendations for IGBP inter-programme element collaboration / 1997
Modern biogeochemistry 2002
Nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur--global cycles : report from a project on biogeochemical cycles initiated by the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) of ICSU, arranged by the Swedish SCOPE Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Orsundsbro, Sweden, 14-18 December 1975 / 1976
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon flux in Chesapeake Bay marshes 1976
Nutrient cycling in a Jeffrey pine forest ecosystem 1973
Nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems field methods, application, and interpretation / 1990
Nutrient dynamics and gas production in aquatic ecosystems : the effects and utilization of mercury and nitrogen in sediment-water microcosms 1975
Organic materials in aquatic ecosystems 1982
Phosphorus cycling in the Creeping Swamp floodplain ecosystem and exports from the Creeping Swamp watershed / 1980
Primary productivity and biogeochemical cycles in the sea 1992
Reactions and processes 1980
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