Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biochemistry methods)

Select Item Title Year Published
Affinity membranes : their chemistry and performance in adsorptive separation processes / 1991
An introduction to computational biochemistry / 2002
Applications of photochemistry in probing biological targets / 1980
Bioconjugate techniques 1996
Biofuels : biotechnology, chemistry, and sustainable development / 2008
Computer simulation of chemical and biomolecular systems / 1986
Instrumentation in biochemistry : Biochemical Society symposium no. 26, held in London, April, 1966 / 1966
Preparation and assay of enzymes / 1955
Preparation and assay of enzymes ; Preparation and assay of substrates ; Special techniques / 1963
Preparation and assay of substrates / 1957
Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology / 2010
Special techniques for the enzymologist / 1957
Spectrophotometry and spectrofluorimetry : a practical approach / 2000
Trends in biotechnology. 1983
Xenobiotic metabolism, in vitro methods : a symposium / 1979

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