Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biochemical oxygen demand)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A demonstrated approach for improving performance and reliability of biological wastewater treatment plants / 1979
A method for measuring sediment oxygen demand using a bench model benthic respirometer / 1979
A quick biochemical oxygen demand test / 1971
A review of some of the effects of reduced dissolved oxygen on the fish and invertebrate resources of Ward Cove, Alaska / 2003
A Review of the separation of carbonaceous and nitrogenous BOD in long-term BOD measurements. 1985
A study of new catalytic agents to determine chemical oxygen demand / 1977
A study of nitrification and denitrification / 1970
A study of the factors determining the oxygen uptake of benthal stream deposits : final report / 1973
A test method for volatile component stripping of waste water / 1975
A water quality model for the South Platte River Basin / 1974
A water quality modelling study of the Delaware Estuary / 1978
Abundance, composition, and distribution of crustacean zooplankton in relation to hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in west-central Lake Erie / 1977
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Cheyenne River Basin. 1972
Activated carbon treatment of unbleached kraft effluent for reuse / 1975
Activated Sludge Process Using Pure Oxygen. 1974
Activated sludge treatment systems with oxygen / 1973
Activated Sludge Treatment Systems with Oxygen. 1973
Activated Sludge with Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment of a Dyes and Pigments Processing Wastewater. 1983
Advanced automatic control strategies for the activated sludge treatment process / 1975
Advanced biological treatment of municipal wastewater through aquaculture 1983
Advanced filtration of pulp mill wastes / 1979
Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar, Session I, Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater, Held at San Francisco, on October 28-29, 1970. 1970
Aeration of Natural Waters: A Bibliography. 1973
Aerobic Secondary Treatment of Plywood Glue Wastes. 1973
Aerobic secondary treatment of potato processing wastes / 1970
Aerobic stabilization of waste activated sludge : an experimental investigation / 1975
Aerobic Treatment of Feedlot Runoff. 1972
Aerobic Treatment of Feedlot Runoff. 1972
Alaskan industry experience in arctic sewage treatment / 1971
Alternative RBC (Rotating Biological Contactor) Design - Second Order Kinetics. 1984
Alum addition and step-feed studies in oxygen-activated sludge / 1977
Alum Addition and Step-Feed Studies in Oxygen-Activated Sludge. 1977
Alum Addition of Activated Sludge with Tertiary Solids Removal. 1973
Ambient water and sediment quality of Galveston Bay : present status and historical trends / 1992
Ambient Water and Sediment Quality of Galveston Bay: Present Status and Historical Trends. Volume II. Extended Technical Report. 1992
Ammonia Removal in a Physical-Chemical Wastewater Treatment Process. 1972
An evaluation of oxygen sag parameters in Monongahela River water under varying pH / 1966
An index of refractory organics / 1977
Anaerobic and aerobic treatment of combined potato processing and municipal wastes / 1976
Analysis and control of thermal pollution. 1974
Analysis of coprostanol, an indicator of fecal contamination / 1974
Analysis of nonpoint-source pollutants in the Missouri Basin Region / 1975
Analysis of operations and maintenance costs for municipal wastewater treatment systems / 1978
Analysis of Thermal Pollution Dispersion. 1972
Analytical Reference Service sample type VII (water oxygen demand) 1960
Annual Review of Literature, 1951. I. Stream Pollution. II. Analytical Methods. III. Radioactive Wastes. 1952
Applicability of existing methods for the determination of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of incinerator quench water / 1970
Application of Sewage Treatment Techniques to Feedlot Runoff. 1972
Applications of Molecular Connectivity Indexes and Multivariate Analysis in Environmental Chemistry. 1986
Appraisal of powdered activated carbon processes for municipal wastewater treatment / 1977
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