Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1845
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
1975-1980 supplement to Annotated list of publications 1980
1979 atmospheric quality improvement literature review / 1980
1979 bibliography of small wastewater flows / 1979
1979 review of the literature on forest management practices and water quality management / 1980
1980 atmospheric quality improvement literature review 1982
1981 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1982
1982 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1983
1983 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1986
1984 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1986
1992/93 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1994
1994 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1995
1995 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1996
1996 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1997
1998 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management / 1999
1999 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management 2000
208 data clearinghouse. 1980
A bibliographic update on superfund / 1982
A Bibliography for lead. 1986
A bibliography for lead. 1986
A bibliography of biological, chemical, and physical studies of Lake Michigan. 1973
A bibliography of economic and cost analysis / 1972
A bibliography of environmental research : Ecosystems Department, 1952-1975. 1975
A bibliography of integrated mined-area reclamation and land use planning : with annotations / 1976
A Bibliography of Pollution Prevention Case Studies / 1993
A bibliography of Region V numbered reports : a complete listing with title index / 1980
A bibliography of the grey mullets, family Mugilidae, 1972
A bibliography on marine and estuarine oil pollution : supplement 3 / 1979
A catalog of hazardous and solid waste publications. 1990
A Catalogue of hazardous and solid waste publications / 1991
A check list of the biota of lower Chesapeake Bay : with inclusions from the upper bay and the Virginian Sea / 1972
A critical review of the literature of 1956 on water pollution / 1957
A critical review of the literature of 1958 on water pollution / 1959
A critical review of the literature relating to the flight and dispersion habits of anopheline mosquitoes / 1944
A Guide to the Toxic Substances Collection at the EPA Region VIII Library 1978
A guide to water quality data and technical information available from METRO / 1978
A history of air pollution meteorology through 1969 / 1979
A key to pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry literature; a collection of papers comprising two symposia of one day each presented before the Divisions of Chemical Literature and Medicinal Chemistry at the 124th and 126th national meetings of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, September 1953 and September 1954. 1956
A literature review of recommended buffer widths to maintain various functions of stream riparian areas / 1992
A literature search and analysis of information regarding sources, uses, production, consumption, reported medical cases, and toxicology of platinum and palladium / Douglas L. Worf. 1974
A literature search and critical analysis of biological trickling filter studies / Functional Products and Systems Department. 1971
A literature survey of benchmark pesticides. 1976
A literature survey oriented towards adverse environmental effects resultant from the use of azo comppounds, brominated hydrocarbons, EDTA, formaldehyde resins, and o-nitrochlorobenzene. 1976
A new bibliography of samplers for freshwater benthic invertebrates / 1993
A partial bibliography of the soft shell clam, Mya arenaria L. / 1960
A pathfinder to the microfiche collection at the Headquarters Library. 1987
A resource guide of solid waste educational materials. 1998
A selected bibliography of the life requirements of colonial nesting waterbirds and their relationship to dredged material islands / 1978
A selected bibliography of worldwide oyster literature / 1980
A selected bibliography on rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, with particular reference to studies with aquatic toxicants / 1977
A selected bibliography on the biology of Salmo gairdneri Richardson (rainbow, steelhead, kamloops trout), with particular reference to studies with aquatic toxicants / 1981
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