Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1845
Showing: Items 1801 - 1845
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bibliography)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Water reuse a bibliography. 1973
Water use and water supply in the Chehalis Basin, Washington a bibliography. 1974
Water-Efficient Landscaping: Preventing Pollution and Using Resources Wisely. 2008
Water-resources investigations in Utah, 1977 / 1978
Water; purification and decontamination: a DDC bibliography, July, 1952-Aug. 1969. 1971
Weather modification: precipitation inducement; a bibliography. 1973
Wenatchee-Chelan-Entiat River Basins bibliography. 1973
West sound basin bibliography. 1973
Wetland creation and restoration description and summary of the literature / 1990
Wetland economics and assessment : an annotated bibliography / 1989
Wetland functional health assessment using remote sensing and other techniques, literature search and overview / 1993
Wetlands : information resource guide. 1994
Wetlands Conservation and Management Initiative (WCAMI), volume 2 : bibliography of wetlands: issues and trends with selected annotations. 1995
Wetlands ecology (Jan 78-May 88) : citations from the Life sciences collection database. 1988
Wetlands ecology for the western United States : an abstracted bibliography of pertinent studies / 1969
Wetlands in agricultural landscapes : a Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) bibliography / 2006
Wetlands protection. 1988
Wetlands reading list : pre-kindergarten through grade 12. 1996
Wetlands reading list : pre-kindergarten through grade 12. 1994
Wetlands, uses and misuses : a selected bibliography 1977
What is the most effective water policy for the United States? : national debate topic for high schools, 1985-1986, pursuant to Public Law 88-246 / 1985
Where is public participation going? : an annotated bibliography focussing on Canadian experience / 1979
Who will pay for on-farm environmental improvements in the 2lst century? : a resource guide / 2000
Wildlife exposure factors handbook : project summary / 1994
Wildlife Toxicology Research Team literature list. 1989
Wildlife use of man-made wetlands in the prairie pothole region: a selected annotated bibliography, 1981
Willapa Bay bibliography. 1973
Wind energy for agriculture : January 1984 - September 1990 / 1990
Wind energy utilization : a bibliography with abstracts, cumulative volume, 1944/1974 : prepared for Lewis Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, Ohio / 1975
Wisconsin water resources catalog. 0
Women : an annotated bibliography : prepared in honor of Women's Week, September 1977. 1977
Women in science : antiquity through the nineteenth century : a biographical dictionary with annotated bibliography / 1986
Women, their social and economic status: selected references, December, 1970 1970
Women. 1979
Wood preservatives : a chronology of regulatory action & bibliography / 1985
Worker protection standard : materials developed by EPA, states and other organizations. 1994
Worker protection standard : materials developed by EPA, states and other organizations. 1994
World directory of country environmental studies. 1996
World environment day, June 5, 1980 : 1980 theme : "A new challenge for a new decade: development without destruction" / 1980
World list of aquatic sciences and fisheries serial title / 1975
World list of aquatic sciences and fisheries serial titles / 1978
World list of aquatic sciences and fisheries serial titles : preliminary edition : supplement 4 / 1980
World literature to fish hybrids, 1972
Yakima River Basin bibliography. 1977
Yakima, Palouse, Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla, and Wanapum Indians : an historical bibliography / 1992
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