Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Beach erosion)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Against the tide : the battle for America's beaches / 1999
Appendices : evaluation of erosion hazards / 2000
Atlantic coast of Maryland and Assateague Island, Virginia main report. 1980
Baseline Sediment Characteristics and Sedimentation Patterns on the Virginia Portion of the Chesapeake Bay. 1983
Beach erosion and accretion at Virginia Beach, Virginia and vicinity 1977
Beach management survey an examination of attitudes and concerns of coastal property owners, resort merchants, and realtors in Sussex County, Delaware / 1988
Canada-Ontario Great Lakes shore damage survey technical report. 1975
Chesapeake Bay baseline data acquisition : Appendix XI, shoreline erosion. 1978
Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, draft reformulation, phase 1 : general design memorandum and draft supplement to the final environmental impact statement. 1984
Coastal and shoreline erosion action agenda for the Gulf of Mexico : first generation-management committee report. 1994
Coastal hazards plan : with final environmental impact statement. 1981
Coastal water resources : AWRA 2002 Spring Specialty Conference proceedings : May 13-15, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2002
Contribution of sediment and associated elements to the Great Lakes from erosion of the Canadian shoreline : Task D, activity 1 / 1978
Decisions for Delaware : Sea Grant looks at beach management / 1978
Delaware's changing shoreline. 1975
Diamondback Track (Formerly Brackins Tract) Shoreline Restoration. 1992 Action Plan Demonstration Project. 1996
Effects of partial Lake Erie regulation on lower lakes water quality 1979
EPA makes grants available to states to develop water quality monitoring and public notification programs at the nation's beaches. 2001
Eroding shores of outer Cape Cod . 1974
Evaluation of erosion hazards / 2000
Evaluation of erosion hazards : summary / 2000
Evaluation of potential use of vegetation for erosion abatement along the Great Lakes shoreline / 1975
Factors affecting beach nourishment requirements, Presque Isle Peninsula, Erie, Pennsylvania 1966
Final environmental impact statement Presque Isle peninsula cooperative beach erosion control project south shore of Lake Erie at Erie, Pennsylvania / {microform} : 1971
Geologic framework and sand resources of quaternary deposits offshore Virginia, Cape Henry to Virginia Beach 1987
Great Lakes coastal erosion research needs : workshop summary : July 8 and 9, 1987, Ann Arbor, Michigan / 1988
Great Lakes shoreline damage / 1972
Guidelines for vegetative erosion control on wave-impacted coastal dredged material sites 1990
Lake Michigan State of the lake 4th biennial conference [and] Great Lakes Beach Association, 5th annual meeting : November 2-3, 2005, KI Convention Center and Regency Suites, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 2005
Living with the shore of Puget Sound and the Georgia Strait 1987
National economic development procedures manual Coastal storm damage and erosion / 1991
National shoreline study, inventory report, Columbia-North Pacific region, Washington and Oregon / 1971
Oceans-coastal hazards : hurricanes, tsunamis, coastal erosion / 0
Oceans-coastal hazards : hurricanes, tsunamis, coastal erosion / 0
Oceans-coastal hazards: hurricanes, tsunamis, coastal erosion / 1993
Papers from Lake Michigan Shoreland Planning Conference held in Chicago at the Field Museum, May 24-25, 1974. 1973
Plan of study : Great Lakes shoreland damage study 1976
Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States. Volume 2. National Studies. Draft. 1988
Potential impacts of sea level rise on the beach at Ocean City, Maryland / 1985
Preliminary estimate of erosion or accretion along the Ohio shore of Lake Erie and critical erosion areas. 1961
Priorities for Coastal Ecosystem Science. 1994
Proceedings of the Federal Conference on the Great Lakes, (1st), Held at Ann Arbor, Michigan, December 13-15, 1972. 1972
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of Vegetation in Stabilization of the Great Lakes Shoreline / 1977
Propagation and use of Spartina alterniflora for shoreline erosion abatement / 1976
Report on sand mining in San Francisco Bay 1990
Responses to coastal erosion in Alaska in a changing climate : a guide for coastal residents, business and resource managers, engineers, and builders / 2011
Riesgos oceanicos y costeros : huracanes, tsunamis, erosión costera / 2001
Saving Florida's vanishing shores. 2002
Seston dynamics and a seston budget for the Choptank River estuary in Maryland final report / 1981
Shore erosion as a sediment source to the tidal Potomac River, Maryland and Virginia / 1987
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